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My sister wasn’t going to be able to make graduation, but she surprised me. We’re finally parked and G says we have to meet Nanny in the square before we walk to the restaurant. I knew they were for me because I saw G’s sister’s dress. G custom designed my ring himself and it’s better than anything that’s ever been on my Pinterest board!

Clementine Tie Top + Scott LeMaster Salon

It’s been a painfully hot minute since I’ve gotten a blog post up, but ya girl is back, and I’m here to brag about Scott LeMaster Salon and Spa in DFW. I’ve only had my hair colored a handful of times, and if I could live the rest of my life without ever having to fix my hair again, I’d be more than happy. Aside from the obvious need for a major trim, I wanted to play around with the color and get something different and fun for the warmer months we’re finally getting into! If you live in the DFW area, I seriously can’t recommend Scott LeMaster Salon, or Claire and Taylor, enough.

Mustard Yellow Sweater + Embroidered Booties

It’s always nice to take a step back from everything and genuinely enjoy the people and things around you, (it’s also pretty necessary, in my opinion.) It was a little hard for me to pull the trigger on this pair from Target awhile back because the trend wasn’t in full force yet, but I’ve honestly worn them more than any of my plain, neutral colored booties. Below I’ve linked some of my favorite embroidered booties (some more tame than others,) along with some fabulous yellow sweaters! Turn on your JavaScript to view content Turn on your JavaScript to view content Turn on your JavaScript to view content

Gift Guide: The College Girl

one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen | It’s true, you don’t keep your high school body forever. This isn’t something I’d typically think would be useful, but my Daddy put a cute wine stopper in my stocking two years ago and I’ve used it regularly ever since. Like my mom, if it isn’t written down, I won’t remember it.

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