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Lifestyler blogger. College Student. Christian. I blog about my life as a student, ans education major, my travels, my family, my fashion, and my faith. I would love to team up with you and be a brand rep with you. Sharing your products on my socail media pages ans blog to grow your cliental is what i hope to do. I am just sharing my life and hoping to make some money out of helping others grow thier businesses.

Want to team up? Let me know!

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9 years... Sunday at church one of our pastors talked about perspective. Our perspective on events and situations that happen in our lives. Something bad in the moment can lead to good things, better things than we were focused on before. I am not thankful for this car accident, I'm not glad that I suffered so many injuries, things that are still with me and always will be. I am not happy that I went through so much pain and suffering. But I know that I love my life right now. The people I know now, my husband, my career, and the experiences I have had are all blessings. My life changed in so many ways. God has blessed me with life. And I wouldn't trade that for anything.

So if you know me, you probably know I was in a terrible car accident in April 2015, but did you know that only 5 months prior to that, I was in my FIRST accident. This one so different than the other one. I was awake the whole time, hydroplaned off the road, rolled down the hill, and landed upside down. I fully remember this one and sometimes it can be more traumatic than the other one. I think back on this as a reminder of life. I was saved twice in 5 months from things I shouldn't have walked away from. 9 years ago was a challenging time in my life. God saved me then, and continues to do so everyday. I praise Him with everything I do to thank Him for saving me. Let my story be a light to you or someone you know. Drive save, say attention, wear your seatbelt.

Happy Thanksgiving! Yesterday was a such a wonderful day of delicious food. Homemade croissants, exciting charcuterie, and tasty coffee! So thankful for all my friends and family, and the time we spend together. Croissants: @huntegg Challah bread: @madimelinda Latte:@eggarotten Charcuterie:@egg.shay Hostess+Dinner:@lisaegge

8 years strong šŸ’Ŗ. People ask me every year, "why do you remember something so terrible, so sad?" Yes, it is all of those things but the way I see it, it's celebrating life. Celebrating the grace of God who saved me even though everyone thought I shouldn't have made it. Celebrating the time I have been given. Not taking a day for granted. 8 years ago I never would have imagined I would be living the life I am today. So yes, I remember this terrible moment, but I do it in thanks to God for allowing me to be here today. Wear your seat belts. Say I love you more. Give meanful goodbyes. And cherish each moment.

A year and half married to my best friend. God put us together for a reason, thank you for always protecting and caring for me. Even when I drop a TV on myself... šŸ˜…

Thankful.šŸ Thankful for this season of life with you today and everyday PHOTOGRAPHY: @countinthreesphoto

Although Arkansas skipped Fall, I am still fall-ing for him everyday.šŸ‚ Fall Photos taken by the amazing @countinthreesphoto, thanks for making us look so good!

That's a wrap on Disney World 2022. We spent our 1 year anniversary and honeymoon at the most magical place on earth. Shout out to Mickey and Minnie for being such great hosts.

One year. Full of laughter and love. Hard times and tough situations. We still have so much to learn about this whole marriage thing, but I think it's going pretty well! I love you Hunter, thank you for challenging me, guiding me, and loving me daily. You have shown me what a Godly marriage looks like. 1 year down, a lifetime to go. {HUNTER + SHALEEN, JULY 2021} PHOTOGRAPHY: @haizeco VENUE: @thereserve_osagehouse DRESS: @graciesbridal

6 months and still in love ā¤ Words cannot describe the joy I have with you. God knew what He was doing when He brought us together. I have learned so much about marriage in 6 months, and cannot wait to see all the adventures we go on and lessons we learn as the months and years go on. Photography: @haizeco Venue: @thereserve_osagehouse Dress: @graciesbridal

Online Shopping- my new addiction

Okay guys, I am sure I am not the only one who has recently found a new addiction that I just cannot seem to shakeā€¦ Online Shopping. I just canā€™t be sure everything fits, and I definitely have made some physical changes during this lock down that is changing the normal sizesā€¦ (am I alone?) I personally have chosen to not move over to Apple products because Google products have worked great for me and my work. I think have the active tracker will help with my event planning, as well as having my phone on my wrist so I can actually respond to messagesā€¦ oops..

Is this an end or a beginning?

Every day I feel like something else is coming up and I hear another thing I wanted or planned on happening is now not happening. I am going crazy because I feel like life is being taken away from me like a kid stealing cookies at night. As I sit at my kitchen table, that has turned into the new ā€˜schoolā€™ all us college students here have our laptops and books covering this table, I see memories of Facebook events that happened last year and prior before. I no longer focus on the thought of missing out of events that should be happening but rather focusing on how I can make these events better next year.


I know I am a day late; however, yesterday is a rough day for me. Little did I know that in someone elseā€™s life, they were having a different kind of day. , I donā€™t know his life, I only know his name and what he did that evening. I was in two legs casts, an arm brace, a broken shoulder, broken shoulder, blade, broken nose, staples in my head, and cuts, burns, and bruises all over.

The New Reality

Teachers are adapting their lesson plans to try and make online learning fun. Good thing I have my boyfriends family letting me stay long-term with them until I can go back to school. I am recreating my schedule to include online classes, family time, phone calls and face time with friends and family a far and workouts. But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint.

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