Ella Howes

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We have to raise a lot of money to help our Mum get the treatment she needs. Please join us in raising funds and raising awareness.

Social Audience 2K
  • Medical Health
  • Diseases and Conditions
  • Science
The strange story of my left breast

Through this process I have had to map cancer across the family tree to determine my potential genetic predisposition and learned through this process that, in addition to a cousin who had breast cancer many years ago, and is still alive, there have been many cases of prostate cancer. In addition my Grandmother’s mother also had breast cancer in later life, had a mastectomy and died many years later of something entirely different. Both times the left breast and both times I could feel the blockage and heat from around the same place, near and below the left nipple. After the second day I felt some discomfort in my left breast and realised I had been leaning hard, pressing down on the edge of the table I was taking my notes at, almost continuously for 2 days and my breast felt warm and bruised.

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