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xPsychoBunny streams LoL and other games on Twitch. Please like this page and follow on Twitch for updates and stream times. http://twitch.tv/xpsychobunny/

Social Audience 653
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#100DaysCSS: The Beginning

For example it just wasn’t possible to create animation with pure CSS 10 years ago. I’ve never used the property animation before, because it hasn’t existed 10 years ago. @keyframes Gradient { 0% { background-position: 0% 50% 50% { background-position: 100% 50% 100% { background-position: 0% 50% New properties I’ve learned: background: linear-gradient, animation and keyframes.

SLNT xPsychoBunny

After three months chline asked me to officially join SILENTGAMING’s social media team and I agreed. Even when I don’t have a lot of time to play games anymore, I’m so happy to be a part of SILENTGAMING and to be able to work on all the exciting projects. Also I can always bring my friends who aren’t part of SILENTGAMING to the LAN parties and reserve our seats through SILENTGAMING. The downside of all of this isn’t about SILENTGAMING, but about the whole Swiss esports community, maybe even globally.

Sign of Life

I haven’t written any posts for a long while now, but I definitely want to keep this blog alive, so here I am – just for you! I traveled to Ireland & Northern Ireland and took around 500 photos, which I haven’t finished editing yet. In The Winter by Linsey Stirling: I watched a lot of movies and series on Netflix, but I just finished Reign and started Medici I want to introduce a few favorite games which I played lately and I’m still thinking about whether I should write a blog post about Ireland & Northern Ireland.

Four Lakes Hike in the Jochpass Region

It’s slowely changing and I don’t know why, but one of my New Year’s Resolution was to go on a hike this year – and Here is a beautiful hiking tour for beginners like me, with epic landscapes! Of course I still don’t like every kind of sports, but there a few things I’ve tried out and like so far: Pilates, Yoga, swimming and hiking. I’ve seen all four lakes and I got all four lakes on my photos, but I’ve only seen Tannalpsee and Melchsee from far away.

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