Christine Egan

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My book is part memoir and part guide, revealing the all-too true story of cancer in this country with a healthy twist. Buy now at

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  • Healthy Cooking and Eating
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Celebration, Creation and FUN!

I want to start off by saying Thank You for all the lovely feedback after my last bunch of emails. She took a 3+ hour Amtrak train ride from her college in Upstate NY to meet me in NYC for a health conference. I am so happy that I have this kind of relationship with my daughter — the kind of relationship where it’s super normal for an 18-year-old to want to spend time with her mom, and that I want to spend time with my teen. What made the weekend extra special is that we celebrated Emily’s graduation from The Institute for Integrative Nutrition by attending their annual conference together.

It’s been a weird few months for me.

Here are my 2016 Highlights: * Renting a beach house (loved being so close to the ocean, no cars, a true reminder to keep life simple) * This is what I am looking forward to in 2017: * Getting back to that beach house (rented the same one as last year! ) I am fully committed to helping people feel better in their body, have more energy, and create better connections with the people around them) So, take a minute now, hit reply and share with me the three things you loved about 2016 and what you are most looking forward in 2017 (it’s not too late! )

How it all hit me again

The big difference between watching it then and watching it now was, I’m a breast cancer survivor now. When I first saw the movie back in 2005, the idea of me being diagnosed with cancer was non-existent. I’m sure the reason I cried the first time I watched the movie was because it was a sad story to witness — not because the idea of cancer scared the shit out of me. I watched the movie family go on with their lives without their mother and that left an uncomfortable feeling in my heart.

Looking for ways to warm up on the inside?

* Add a dash to tea or black beans, stews or soups Cayenne Pepper: Capsaicin, the substance that gives cayenne its spicy taste is known as a circulatory stimulant. * Mix with butter to drizzle on steamed veggies; make a side dish of yellow rice by adding turmeric; add to chicken soup to enhance color and flavor. pre-chopped. * Add ginger to your morning smoothie for some zing; grate fresh ginger into your salad dressing; mix some into your soup. The best part about adding these spices to your daily life is that they all help the body rid itself of mucus and assist in boosting the immune function…all things we need extra help with in the winter.

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