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sophisticated style for daily life - www.apartment34.com - @apartment_34

Social Audience 166K
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6 Artists I Found on Instagram

As I attempt to call my house done, one key detail has continued to allude. Art! It can feel really challenging to find something you love

Can a Room Help You be in the Moment?

How can a room help you be in the moment? This may seem like an odd question to ask, but it’s something I’ve thought about a lot while designing This Old Victorian. The space you live in sets the tone for the way you live your life

A Major Kitchen Moment

I know, I know. I was espousing the need to minimize kitchen design just a couple of weeks back

The Fanny Pack is Back & is Really Really Good Looking

I’m still putting the finishing touches on my recap of Scandinavia for you, but one of biggest takeaways is actually fashion related. I saw one particular style literally everywhere I went, and I even embraced it myself

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