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Science A GCSE Physics Notes

Recently, one of my viewers, Mark, asked me to share some of my revision notes and I thought for this to be a good idea. but I am sure that they remain partially relevant for all those doing the new 1-9 GCSE. These notes differ substantially from my GCSE humanities ones, simply because the information is rather direct. There are main headings and then succinct explanations and bullet points under each.

The Best of Lisa Simpson

Below I have gone through every episode of ‘The Simpsons’ and made a list of the top ones where Lisa acts as our protagonist and reveals her admirable attributes. On a Clear Day I can’t see my sister You Only Move Twice She Used to be My Girl Little Girl in the Big Ten The Old Man and the Lisa I’m Spelling as fast as I can

GCSE and A Level Thesis Statement Exemplars

When Shakespeare directs Leontes [Aside] in Act I, Scene 2, every audience sees a visceral, sexually explicit blizzard of jealousy as he announces his suspicions of Hermione’s infidelity. When Leontes and Polixenes nostalgically recall their halcyon days as “twinned lambs that did frisk in the sun”, Shakespeare establishes a certain brotherhood between the two monarchs; however, this artificial familial love is quickly abolished when Mamillius’s winter blizzard arrives. To assess whether blood really is thicker than water, one must consider Hermione’s love for Perdita, Leontes’s condemnation of her as a “bastard”, Leontes’s attack on Polixenes and the king’s lack of concern for his son. These statistics suggest that euthanasia will likely be legalised in the coming years; however, I contend that this is not necessarily a positive things, considering the words of Caroline Spelman, a British MP, who notes that “the right to die quite quickly becomes the duty to die”.

Causes of the Korean War: GCSE exemplar essay

The Korean war was the result of the division of the country in 1945, the worries of the Americans and the Truman Doctrine. Korea had been under the Japanese empire for the last three decades and after Japan’s surrender in 1945, the UN decided that the country be temporarily split along the 38th parallel; the north was given to the soviets and the south to the Americans. The worries of the Americans was significant in the beginnings of the Korean war because it encouraged the USA to fight; however, Americans were perhaps most obliged to wage war due to the Truman Doctrine that had been released in 1946. Overall, the Korean war was the result of the division of Korea at the end of the second world war, the worries of a communist threat in Asia and the Truman Doctrine.

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