Jeanette O'Brien

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Vicious Insomniac, Reader, Writer, Music & Book lover, stage IV Breast Cancer Impatient, Shield Maiden, Coffee Slut, dragonslayer shenaniganator

Social Audience 300
  • Education
  • Music and Audio
  • Religion & Spirituality
  • Buddhism
Doing the Unpopular Thing

I’ve not written in a while because I’ve been busy. I was raised in a mishmash of confusing religions whatever crap my crazy parents were trying out to help their marriage at the time, dragged all over hells half acre to whatever parish or church didn’t know the violence or insanity went on in my house. I have no intention of attention mass daily or regularly I dont think, I dont know at the moment. Like admitting you’re a drug addict you’d get support but admitting you’re becoming a Catholic after this horrible scandal people will just think you’re crazy.

Pink, Ink, & Trying to be a good person

The life lessons have stopped slapping me about the face in such a happy way and started punching me in a way, that’s painful for certain and er, much less happy. He wasn’t really seeking help and he was WAY out of my league to manage, manipulative, wiley, always trying to push his crazy way of thinking on me, Some small act that brings a small smile to someones face and makes their day a tiny bit better. But it makes me happy, shows my own gratitude for those that have done small things for me, said kind words to me when they were the only words I heard the entire day.

Humility & Gratitude

Maybe its because I’m finally listening. Maybe its because I’ve removed my ego and am willing to hear other people and know that for me to learn, I also need to be of service. I’ve spent years believing that nothing was out there, that humans were basically worthless, and that the world was something I had to just endure to get to death, the quiet solitude of peace and forever slumber. So here’s to another beautiful day, another gorgeous sunset, a day spent in treatment but hearing all day from people that love me, care for me and who Id give my life for.

Monkeys & Me

Monday will begin the Lunar Year of the Monkey. My Asian Birth Year

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