Rachel Munoz

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I am a mama to 2 boys and step mama to 2 step kids. I am not your average PTA mom. I love to keep up with my fitness and live a healthy lifestyle that includes a bit of misbehavin.

Location California, USA
Member Since MAY 15, 2019
Social Audience 2K
  • Moz DA 1

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  • Food & Drink
  • Healthy Cooking and Eating
  • Vegan Diets
  • Family and Relationships
  • Parenting
  • Home & Garden
  • Healthy Living
  • Fitness and Exercise
  • Women's Health
  • Medical Health
  • Diseases and Conditions
  • Pop Culture
  • Travel Preparation
  • Traveling
The Ultimate PCOS Nutrition Guide.

I have composed a list of the BEST alternatives for us cysters that wont affect our hormones. Check it out and if youre ready to take that step give it a try…here is the catch, you NEED to stick to this nutrition for at least 6 months before you will see big changes. If you do choose corn tortillas make sure it is SPROUTED or at least organic corn as corn Which, added hormones means added hormones to our body and us PCOS peeps dont need that negativity in our life.

Healthy Foods that are not Healthy.

For example: Paleonola, a rather healthy brand of granola has 7g of sugar per 1/4 of a Cup. That would be 28g of Sugar BEFORE putting your granola onto yogurt or with milk. Check the ingredients and make sure the ingredients are simple, whole food and all organic ingredients. Most brands of yogurt are not the brands that will help with gut health OR weight loss.

Madi’s Kawasaki Disease Story.

The 2 weeks prior to being admitted to the hospital my daughter was running high fevers. You always hear of hand foot&mouth disease or 5ths disease, but never anything that will effect their heart. My daughter took two rounds of IVIG, a blood transfusion, aspirin daily, neproxin daily, iron infusions and constant echo cardiograms. Some fingers looked like they had blisters, her feet looked like she was almost shedding her skin like a snake.

Kawasaki Wed. Jordan S.

The next day her fever had gotten higher and she had gone almost 12 hrs with out a wet diaper her eyes had started to look a little red Not even 3 hours later I got a call that we needed to head down to the children’s hospital main campus to be admitted. Finally the next morning we met with about 6 doctors they had told us this was Kawasaki’s disease and that they needed to start her on IVIG infusions for a 12 hour period. We did the IVIG and started her on aspirin the first few hours her fever got higher and then started to drop until she was fever free for two days.

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