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How to Write the Best College Admissions Essay

The college admissions essay is perhaps the most dreaded part of the college application process. These FAQs about the college application essay should help you tell your story with an end goal of making a good impression on a college admissions officer. What do admissions officers look for in the best college application essays? If you are looking for other online tools to help turn your rough draft into a polished essay free from spelling or grammar errors, here are a few: How do I find a college essay writing workshop, college essay tutor or get help with a college essay?

Boost Your Creativity With These 5 Steps

You can be creative in all kinds of situations: sports, school, social situations and business (although creative accounting is discouraged and is actually illegal in some places). For example, if I were to say “apple,” most people would probably think of a piece of fruit – the most relevant and succinct thought response. However you could also think of Apple Computer, apple strudel, apple martini, apples and pears, stairs, apple pie, American Pie.... Creative people do two things well: They have their frontal lobe serve up many different thoughts and ideas and they find it very easy to form connections between two different subjects.

Hurry! Start Making These Summer Plans Now!

If you see a program you like, it’s not even too early to plan (and start saving) for next summer Also, plane flights get more expensive the longer you wait. If you wait until school is out to apply for summer internships for teenagers or that community service job at the animal shelter, you’re likely to miss out entirely. Application processes take longer than you might expect and you may need to apply early just to give the paperwork and even background checks time to be read and approved by the right people. If you wait until the beginning of summer to start looking for something to fill your time, then you’ll probably just follow the path of least resistance – video games, YouTube, or SnapChat.

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