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What Should I Make For…Recipes for breakfast, dessert and everything else! http://www.whatshouldimakefor.com/recipes/

Social Audience 3K
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Vegetable Pot Pie with Biscuit Topping

Loaded with veggies, this savory vegetable pot pie is topped with flaky herb biscuits and baked in a casserole for easy serving. Chicken need not apply

Coconut Macaroons

Light, sweet and oh so coconuty, there’s no doubt why coconut macaroons are a must for Passover. They’re delicious dipped in chocolate too! There is no treat more synonymous with Passover than the coconut macaroon

Toffee Matzo Brittle

Toffee matzo brittle (aka matzo crack) is crispy matzo layered with caramel, chocolate, pecans, and coconut in this delectable (and highly addictive) Passover treat. My boys have never met a box of matzo that they didn’t like

Chocolate Meringue Cookies

A crackly shell and soft, pillowy center makes these flourless chocolate meringue cookies perfect for Passover or a gluten-free diet. Are you baking for Passover, Easter, or just to welcome in (the long-awaited and much anticipated) spring? These chocolate meringue cookies are holiday-ready, especially for Passover, which can sometimes be a challenge since both flour and dairy are off the table

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