Chris Edwards

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Chris Edwards was born in Shawneetown, Illinois and spent his formative years around Nashville, Tennessee. Chris Edwards has lived for 25 years in California and most recently New Mexico. He is a recognized proponent of the cultural arts, a strong business leader and a political activist for equality in human rights, the rights of POC and LBGTQ+ causes. Chris has traveled to 46 countries and enjoys the diversity of cultures. Chris Edwards has led divisions of large public companies, assisted with the growth and support of social enterprises and served on boards of several non-profits.

Chris Edwards, is recognized as a mentor, in teaching those around him the skills of positive self-esteem. Chris's releases have ranked in the Amazon top 100 in "Self Esteem Self Help" and in "Self Help Short Reads" and his collaborative effort with co-author Rene Sepulveda; Coach Robert Sepulveda the early years book 1 launched as a #1 New Release for several weeks in the Football Coaching Category.

Chris Edwards releases include 90 Days to a Glass Half Full Lifestyle and 2 Hours Unplugged: Unplug & Reconnect and is a continuation of that series. 2 Hours Unplugged: Unplug & Reconnect launched as a #1 New Release on Amazon in the "Information Theory" Category containing books on technology and their impact to quality of life.

Chris has partnered with RENE SEPULVEDA MPH, CPT on a series of fitness books and other projects. Their more recent collaboration is a series on Coach Robert and Marilyn Sepulveda. This book series, beginning with book 1 of a 3 part series, is an Alamogordo Tiger Tale of the Historical Crossroads of Football, Track & Field and Cross Country, In Building New Mexico Pride. The book series begins with the Alamogordo, New Mexico athletic program in 1916 and progresses through today with a national scope and focus on interscholastic sports.

The book is a comprehensive history that tells the stories of the many personalities from 1916 to 1996 that influenced New Mexico interscholastic sports in Track and Field, Cross Country, High School Football and beyond. Coach Bob Sepulveda had the longest consecutive State Track & Field Winning streak in the 90s of any New Mexico Coach. The book highlights the records and the stories of hundreds of athletes.

The book series takes on the tough issues of the launch of national high school interscholastic sports standards, integration in the 50's and 60's, Title IX implementation and girls interscholastic championships, the politics around high school football and more. The book series contains the records of 100s of high school athletes, rich in dialog and interviews with athletes, coaches and community members. It tracks the successes and failures of some great athletes & coaches.

The central characters in the book series are Coach Bob and Marilyn Sepulveda paired with a variety of characters that played a role in the program success of the Alamogordo, New Mexico Track and Field, Cross Country & Football programs.

While the series storyline is focused on a small town in New Mexico; it is national in scope; as many associated coaches and athletes had a national or international influence in athletics, politics, the Olympics and world events. The series common theme is all were touched by the Alamogordo Track & Field, Cross Country or Football programs, Coach Bob Sepulveda and his associated legacy.

Elite Coach Rene Sepulveda has tailored running and core fitness programs to a wide variety of clients at all levels and ages. Many of these programs focus on increasing sports performance and returning from injuries (rehabilitative exercise training), while others focus on weight loss and muscle building. In 2013, Rene launched his highly popular training groups programs for Tough Mudder events, The Men's Health Urbanathlon and Spartan races.

For opportunities to learn more about Chris & Rene, their mentoring or fitness sessions and collaborative efforts visit

Location San Francisco , California
Country United States of America
Member Since JANUARY 17, 2019
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