Because like breastfeeding, extended breastfeeding and babywearing, co-sleeping is one of those types of attachment parenting techniques that seen all 70s earth mothery and for other people, the 70s earth mothery types, but are the type of thing you might end up doing, probably accidentally, for the simple reason that these things work, for your family.
Bringing new meaning to the term ‘baby yoga.’
Everyone gets more sleep when you co-sleep: Feet in the face, wriggling toddlers, everyone fighting for space, how do you get more sleep? !
But the very thought of getting out of my lovely warm bed in the very small hours, scooping up my newly wakened four-year-old, wedging both of us uncomfortably into her small-sized bed, staying until she falls asleep and I inevitably do too, waking up with a bad back and neck and a permanently bad mood, is exhausting.
Most people will probably co-sleep, either openly or secretly: While ‘co-sleeping’ might be a loaded term, I bet if if you asked most parents if their child ever slept in their bed, then they would say yes.