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Welcome to Flashes of Delight! A lifestyle blog and creative space that I created so that I can share my life journey, connect with others and cultivate a community of support.

IG: heybarblina Pinterest: Flashes of Delight

Member Since AUGUST 10, 2018
Social Audience 32
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Family Activities For This Season Of Life

I feel like the entire year of 2020 was one big gigantic countdown to 2021. So, as we embark on a new year, despite what our political climate looks like, what the pandemic has in store for us, what the future holds, all we have is today This year I have made the intention of spending more time outdoors in nature with my kids, doing fun activities that get our bodies moving, breathing in fresh air and making memories together despite how chaotic the world outside of our little bubble may be. There are so many parks in the Bay Area and while the picnic tables are mostly out of service right now, just grab a blanket and have a good old fashioned picnic.

The Best Fiction Books I Read in 2020

This is such a beautiful story of two sisters during the World War 2 and their quest for survival during an unimaginable time and living through the worst conditions. I love stories that evoke anger and love in the main character at the same time. It is such a good story of a girl coming out of the foster care system and trying to find her place in a world that has been so cruel to her. Wally Lamb is a genius at character development and the heroine of this story is so relatable on so many levels.

22 Things I Do To Manage My Anxiety

As the world continues to deal with the coronavirus pandemic and government officials putting restrictions on a lot of things we love to do, as well as recommending social distancing and self-quarantine practices, it’s only natural for us to feel uneasy and nervous about the disease and how we can stay protected while staying sane. When I start to feel the anxiety creeping in, it’s important for me to acknowledge it and remind myself that it’s perfectly normal to be anxious during this crazy time. For example: I am grateful for my yummy coffee that helps me to wake up, or I am grateful for a warm bed to sleep in. Limit the amount of time I spend on social media and instead focus on more productive things like playing with my kids, cooking a yummy meal or reading/writing.

Traveling With Kids

For example, we wanted to do a little shopping on State Street while we were in Santa Barbara and we all know this isn’t a kids favorite activity, so we compromised by taking them to the beach after. For us, some of our requirements that make a hotel family friendly are: Their hotel grounds allow for them to run around Close to the beach or major attractions After a busy day, opt for take-out. You may think they want to go to the zoo when in fact they just want to stay at the hotel pool all day. Headed to the rooftop pool at the Kimpton Canary HotelThe kids were so excited to head up to the rooftop pool at the Kimpton Canary Hotel in Santa Barbara.

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