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A food + travel blog featuring adventures in California and around the world.

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Dog Day & Donuts in Half Moon Bay, CA

It was Super Bowl Sunday, so every year at about that time we celebrate (our oh-so-creatively-named) birthday alternative, “Dog Day,” by taking her on a dog-friendly road trip or outdoor adventure. This new location in Half Moon Bay is one of only three in the Bay Area, the others are in South San Francisco and Walnut Creek. I’d heard that they had just introduced a new line of premium teas–full leaf teas packed in large pyramid-shaped tea sachets that let the tea leaf fully expand. This particular stretch of beach does not officially allow dogs to run off-leash (there are no off-leash dog beaches that I know of along this stretch of coast), but we let Posey run for a bit when we saw no one was around.

Favorite Finds from the Winter Fancy Food Show 2017

This annual trade show draws more than 1,400 food companies from 30 countries who come to SF to show off their newest food products to the retail and hospitality vendors and food media. And food importer Sadaf was promoting black garlic, a 10+ day heat fermented garlic that is common in Korean cuisine. Beer in Food: Companies are cashing in on our growing love of craft beer and finding unique ways to introduce beer to food. Vendors were showing off homemade cheese making kits, beer brewing kits, mushroom foraging kits, kimchi-making kits (pictured above), and even this homemade tofu kit.

Spicy Cranberry Salsa Recipe

I’ve had some new work projects keeping me busy, plus some family health scares, fear for my country’s future, and yes, these goddamn celebrity deaths (I watched Love Actually for the first time last weekend since Alan Rickman died. With my newfound free time, I did a lot of things I’d been wanting to do around the house They are one of my favorite winter season fruits and they’ve been on my mind since I visited Southern Oregon’s mom’s house for Christmas, modified from one that I found on Pinterest.

Getting Off the Las Vegas Strip

With the exception of the pools (I love the city’s extravagant pools), I was never a big fan of the touristy Las Vegas Strip. The “Neon Boneyard” is an outdoor display area where you can walk around some of Las Vegas’s most spectacular and outlandish neon signs all built to attract attention from passing cars and draw you into their motel, casino, or resort. He walked us through Las Vegas’s history pointing out design elements and local history like the first handpainted neon signs, first racially integrated casino, and work of architectural pioneers like Betty Willis (designer of the iconic sign “Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas”) and architect Paul Revere Williams in 1961 For my first few nights in Vegas, I rented a room using Airbnb in an apartment near the airport in East Las Vegas.

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