Finding Beyond

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There’s nothing we love more than quitting our jobs, packing our bags and flying to the other side of the world without much of a plan. Not having a plan allows us to travel more freely, slowly and without commitments.

We’re now on our new and epic one-way ticket adventure to Asia, but it won’t stop there. The only plan we have that’s different to previous trips is to try and make some money along the way so our travels can last as long as we wish them to. We’d love you to join us at FINDING BEYOND to see how in pans out and maybe give us some suggestions on where to go next!

Location Royston London
Member Since OCTOBER 18, 2018
Social Audience 14K Last Month
  • Moz DA 40

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Digital Nomad Desires: What is Amazon FBA Private Label?

We attended a weekly Amazon FBA Private Label meet up for a few weeks, where we learned what it’s all about. Without going into too much detail, Amazon FBA Private Label works like this: * Find a niche product to sell on Amazon. As a reward for joining the weekly Amazon FBA Private Label group in Chiang Mai, we had access to a Niche Product Selection Tool. We’re not saying that it’s not possible to find niche products anymore, after all, you can sell anything on Amazon, but it’s getting increasingly difficult as more and more people discover this way of making money online.

Our Chiang Dao Nest 2 Long Weekend Review

As guests at Chiang Dao Nest 2, we were still able to use the pool and western restaurant at Nest 1 if we wanted. All the rooms at Chiang Dao Nest 1 and 2 are separate beautiful bamboo huts. Like we mentioned before, Chiang Dao Nest 2 serves Thai food and Nest 1 western dishes. The Thai cuisine at Chiang Dao Nest 2 was some of the best food we have ever eaten.

Cost of Living in Thailand while Living in Chiang Mai

We think it is and you’ll most likely agree if you keep on reading our costs of living in Chiang Mai, South East Asia’s most liveable city. If you’d like more information on how to find and rent an apartment in Chiang Mai then please read this – How to Find and Rent Apartments in Chiang Mai However we have already visited both while living in Chiang Mai so thought we’d share those costs as it’s something most expats in Chiang Mai will need to do during their stay. If you wanted to, you could even bring this total cost of living in Thailand while Living in Chiang Mai down if renting a cheaper place and cutting out certain items like daily coffee shop visits.

Things to do in Arugam Bay Beach - Sri Lanka

Five hours after leaving Ella in Sri Lanka’s highlands, we arrived at Arugam Bay beach. The main road running behind Arugam Bay beach is the best place to seek a fish dinner caught that very same day. The southern end of town felt like the main area due to having the highest concentration of restaurants and shops. The main bus station for all destinations to and from Arugam Bay beach is based 3KMs away in Pottuvil.

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