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Tattoo Artist specialising in the bright, bold and feminine. Working from Black Sails, Brighton. E-Mail Instagram: dollytattoos

Social Audience 8K
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The Luck Factor

Many people have said to me over the years: ‘you’re so lucky you’re naturally slim’. But what they don’t know is I was in a very brutal gymnastics squad from the age of 4 to 10 and once you build so much muscle at a young age, it’s never that hard to build it again. * I didn’t make the part of me that’s competitive and wanted to keep improving and winning at competitions So to relate this to your friend/family member who’s just got a new job or achieved one of their goals, ask yourself these questions: * Where the LUCK comes in: If your friend/family member has not had their break yet, please don’t disregard them for not doing enough or say anything along the lines of ‘you obviously don’t work hard enough’.


This photo was taken before I combed the dreads out 🙈 In the last 4 days I’ve managed to watch all the Harry Potter films again #createeveryday #fashionart #copenhagen #dowhatyoulove #theuncoolclpub #momentsofmine #designlove #thisismykingdom #courageouscreative #timeforcreativesouls #styleinspo

How to eat cheap and healthy

I’ve seen a lot of comments and tweets floating about lately regarding Jamie Oliver’s latest controversy and how increasing the price of junk food will mean that people struggle even more to be able to afford to feed themselves. I’m not delving into personal or individual situations and I totally empathise with people who genuinely can’t afford to put food on the table, but to say that all health food is expensive is a myth that I feel needs to be debunked

Til Death Do Us Part: The Finale

Shortly after that, I finally got round to listening/watching The 1975 after meaning to for many, many months and the video for A Change of Heart instantly sparked ideas for a wedding theme and aesthetics for the photos. Clothes: £34.98 (All hail TK Maxx) Wedding Rings: £178 (Etsy) Legal Ceremony: £120 Band: £1150 Photographer: *£650 Hotel for 2 nights: £236 Decor: £309.42 Cake: The song that I walked down the aisle to was called Didi (My Doe) by a band called The Matches. So Cool’ on the front which is song lyrics by The 1975 but is also said in The Great Gatsby, both of which influenced the theme of the wedding.

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