More revenue into smaller, privately owned businesses and sole proprietorships means more money into the hands of middle class citizens trying to make their way or trying to make some extra cash that the virus has unfortunately nabbed from us, due to layoffs and furloughs.
You will even see that supporting small businesses is a surprisingly nicer experience, as most of the products that come from them are more intricate, handmade, or acquired with care instead of mass produced like the big companies such as Amazon or Walmart.
Even though there is negative twist on social media about things going on nationwide, there is another little corner of the internet where makers, creators, entrepreneurs, and business savvy thinkers alike come together to support and share each other’s gift with the rest of the world.
It is a place where we can be socially distant, yet relate to each other as we support one another’s crafts and online shops, communicating in a positive way to show love to other human beings who take time, effort, and blood, sweat, and tears (in some cases) to be able to create one of a kind items with their own two hands.