Seed stage investing can feel eerily similar to Instagram-posting: even unwittingly, my instinct is to post the photo that captures me in the best light, on my best day, and in the most picturesque of backdrops.
And though I don’t try to come off inauthentic, I have no interest in posting images of me first thing in the morning, after I’ve yelled at the driver in front of me on I-15, or that time when someone snapped a candid photo of me on the beach with my shirt off before I was warned to suck in my belly, cock back my shoulders, and arrange my chest hair.
Here’s how I summarize Mike’s explanation of founder secrets to my kids: I meet someone with an idea: their idea seems crazy, because they want to change how the world does something.
What I knew in that first meeting with the Cake founders wasn’t that this would be the next big innovation for users of the mobile web, what I know is that the way we search, especially on our mobile devices, has lost some of the magic that search once had.