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Social Audience 0
  • Moz DA 24
  • Events and Attractions
  • World Cuisines
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  • Real Estate
  • Travel
  • Travel Locations
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  • Traveling
Feeling More Confident, Choosing a Different Route to Drive Home

It’s a far cry from the feeling we had driving down to Mazatlan. Yes, those urinals we bought will be of utterly no use

Are All-Inclusive Resorts Worth Your Money (Part 3)

Each is compared to our total cost of ownership of a three months stay at El Cid Resorts for 20 years. Computing a total of 1800 days (30 days x 3 months x 20 years), our total cost per day is at $50 at present value. If you add this to the US$117 daily lodging cost, the total daily cost of an all-inclusive stay is US$173. Whether we compare to market costs, to owning a home in Mexico, or to staying at home in Arizona, we are at a major advantage by choosing to stay all-inclusive in El Cid Resorts for three months a year.

Into Lovely Homes and Jazzy Art Galleries

The entrance opens to a sitting room and a spacious living room that leads to a dining room, split level, that then leads to the kitchen. It has a 360-degree view of the city of Mazatlan/ and all the waters around it, It overlooks the El Faro Lighthouse which is the highest operating lighthouse in the world sitting atop the opposite hill, Cerro del Creston, and the twin Mexican “ The main level has the receiving area, a formal living area, a den, a dining /family area, and a large kitchen that all open to the majestic views. The main level has the receiving area, a formal living area, a den, a dining /family area, and a large kitchen that all open to the majestic views.

Seeing Thriving Wildlife in Estuaries and Sanctuaries

We had opportunities to go on day trips to the Turtle Sanctuary, to do a Sunset Bay cruise, and to frolic at one of the islands. So, one Friday, together with about nine other adults and three children, we went on a day trip to El Verde Camacho, the marine turtle station just outside of Mazatlán where researchers have been monitoring and collecting data on the sea turtle nesting and stranding activity for almost 40 years. The day trip also included a special boat trip through the Estuary beside the station. Some of us on the catamaran imitated their unique grunts, hoping to strike an animated conversation, before taking off for our sunset gazing time Deer Island is the other island where the animals called men, women, and pets get their own frolic time.

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