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IgY Nutrition is about health and wellness. We provide comprehensive nutritional solutions for digestive health to support and improve immune function.

Social Audience 291
  • Food & Drink
  • Healthy Cooking and Eating
  • Parenting
  • Healthy Living
  • Children's Health
  • Nutrition
  • Senior Health
  • Wellness
  • Medical Health
  • Diseases and Conditions
  • Biological Sciences
How mom’s nutrition affects her baby

The importance of a mother’s nutritional intake for the optimal health and immune system of her baby has long been recognized. It has recently been suggested that the microbial balance of the GI tract may explain some of the influence of maternal diet on health of the child and is passed on through the placenta, through the birth process and via breast feeding. These exposures establish the microbiome of the child and therefore influence weight, health, psychological health and immune system function throughout life. Additionally, beneficial bacteria contained within the mother’s GI tract support the increased energy demands required for development and growth of the fetus and provide a solid foundation for the infant’s gut microbiome.

Common Gut Terms and What They Mean

The collection of bacteria and organisms found in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.2 Leaky gut: When permeability of the small intestine is compromised allowing the passage of toxins, antigens, and bacteria to enter the bloodstream.3 Microbiome: Consists of the ecological community of microorganisms that share our body.4 Pathogens: by strict definition a substance like a bacteria that can cause disease. Administration of antibiotics, surgery, illness, and/or poor lifestyle habits initiates the process by suppressing the normal flora.5 Probiotics: Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit.6 Prebiotics: Prebiotics are non-digestible selectively fermented dietary fibers that specifically promote the growth of one or more bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract and thus provide health benefit.7 1 (Thomas S, Izard J, Walsh E, et al. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7670/) 6 (Hill C., Guarner F., Reid G., Gibson G. R., Merenstein D.J., Pot B., Morelli L., Canani R.B., Flint H.J., Salminen S., et al: 506-514) 7 (Wilson, B., and Whelan, K. (2017) Prebiotic inulin-type fructans and galacto-oligosaccharides: definition, specificity, function, and application in gastrointestinal disorders.

How to Beat the Post-Holiday Blues

While many of us spent the month of December wishing the stress of preparing meals, visiting family and shopping for gifts would end, there is a common let-down phase that follows the busy month. Many websites and articles suggest meditation, exercise and time management will help beat the post-holiday blues. Research has recently identified that microbiota are important in the pathogenesis of various neuropsychiatric disorders like schizophrenia and depression. While the research is in its infancy and its still unclear if the same is true for mild depression, it does suggest that a healthy gut, along with many other benefits, will help alleviate those post holiday blues all year long.

How to Manage Stress by Balancing Your Gut

This gut-brain relationship also includes the immune, endocrine and metabolic systems. It means that any imbalances we have in our gut, brain and immune/endocrine/metabolic systems have a direct impact on our stress response and behavior. IgY Max provides antibodies against 26 pathogens threatening human health without triggering the human complement immune system. By supporting a proper immune response and promoting improved gut integrity, IgY Max has been shown to increase the occurrence of beneficial bacteria in the gut while reducing non-specific inflammation for improved digestive function, improved immune function and enhanced quality of life.

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