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I'm passionate about organizing and love to get others "hooked" along with me. Visit my blog at

Social Audience 156K
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Friday Favorites: Enneagram Type, Favorite Planner and The Home Edit

Hey there y’all. I’m back today with what has turned into a monthly event so it seems

Find Your Decluttering Style and Make It Work For You

The following is a guest post about finding your decluttering style from regular contributor, Kristin at The Gold Project. Spring is officially in the air, or it is where I live in the south

Menu Plan Monday ~ April 8/19 Weekly Dinner Inspiration

Hey there lovely people, happy Monday to you. It’s time to get this new week underway and make it great

Kitchen Organizing Tips from Kathryn at Do It On A Dime

Anyway Kathryn has done a number of videos sharing kitchen organizing tips and I wanted to include three of them in this post so you could see why I love her so much. Easy Dollar Tree organizing ideas, quick hacks and how to save big organizing in the kitchen. • Inexpensive shoe organizers over your doors for cups and snacks Kathryn shows you her favorite dollar tree solutions, motivation, and decluttering in another friend’s kitchen. And if you feeling inspired to tackle your own kitchens, here are all the kitchen organizing posts I’ve done for even more kitchen organizing tips.

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