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Summer Is Here!

On today’s blog I’m sharing a few outfits I wore last week. To be honest I’m not a fan of warm temperatures. I’m 100% fall/winter kinda person, but for whatever reason I’m happy for summer this year. Not only They’re cute but easy to achieve + I’m wearing some cute pieces from one of my faves online website.

Casual questions to get to know me.

On Today’s blog post I’m sharing another get to know me/ facts about me. Israel, USA, Greece , South Korea & of course my country Nicaragua. Please leave a comment below about any questions you may have of these facts! Your individuality is what makes whatever You do special, LET IT SHINE!

Denim for Spring

Hope everyone had an amazing weekend and Happy Mother’s Day to all of those hardworking moms out there! But I’m happy to be back with a new post for you guys. Today I’m sharing a few outfits I wore last week. As you guys can see I love wearing denim on denim.

What I Wore – Spring Outfits.

On today’s blog I’m sharing a few outfits I got to wear last week. I’ve been very busy lately and haven’t had the time to shot nor write a post for you guys. If you guys have any questions about blogging / instagram / Twitter etc. I’ll be more than happy to answer all your questions on my next blog post.

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