Kitchen Questions and Answers
TOP 10 Questions About Our OLD WORLD
Over the years I’ve received so many questions, so after last week’s spring kitchen tour, it’s time for Kitchen Questions and Answers, the top 10 Questions about our Old World Kitchen.
I hope you enjoy this video as I’ll be taking the best paint colors, how to clean copper, and details about our future plans.
Spring Farmhouse Kitchen | FRENCH KITCHEN TOUR
Full of before and afters here’s a look at my spring farmhouse kitchen with a full, visual French kitchen tour.
I’m constantly looking for new, old-world inspiration and lovely French kitchens… British Kitchens,
It’s farmhouse spring decor 2021 in my spring farmhouse kitchen.
In this video I’m sharing a look at a mom of six morning routine and my thoughts on routine VS schedule in our ‘old world home’.
We keep a similar pace day in and day out here on the farm, but it’s not rigid, because setting up a rigid schedule would simply set me, as the homemaker, up for failure and frustration.
Sort of my life day in the life stay at home mom videos but with a closer look
‘homemaker chic’ mom of six morning routine and my thoughts on routine VS schedule
I’m looking for some winter greenhouse ideas for our big conservatory makeover that’s on the schedule, but first I. need to plant succulents and fuss with my doors for the OUTdoor greenhouse coming this summer.
I need all the winter greenhouse ideas!
Jonna Jinton may be able to love the winter, but my affection for it is lovingly mild:).
For more old world design ideas and to join the Old World Design Society visit:
And stay tuned for the conservatory makeover and the design of the OUT door greenhouse… if I convince the hubs we need to make it happen!