Sharlyn Lauby

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3 Groups with Unique Labor Law Postings #MindTheGap

While I’m not saying that government agencies are out to catch businesses that aren’t in compliance, it’s important to realize that in today’s “signal and noise” world, there’s no guarantee that labor law poster updates are going to automatically move into the trending topics section of your favorite social media platform. They also cannot assume if they have bilingual employees that they don’t need Spanish language labor law postings just because those employees also speak English. Close the Compliance Gap with Your Labor Law Postings I’d like to think that most employers know they need to have labor law postings. But I can also see organizations forgetting to “mind the gap” where postings are concerned and forgetting to take the extra caution that needs to take place with applicants, Spanish language postings, and remote workers.

The 9 Faces of HR

The 9 Faces of HR: A Disruptor’s Guide to Mastering Innovation and Driving Real Change”. If there’s one thing that’s constant in our current world of work, it’s change. Once you’ve completed that, locate your scores for cognitive, assertiveness, rules orientation, and detail orientation and browse the chapters that detail each of the 9 Faces. * Find a profile that matches you and cross reference to make sure you’re at the right career level and presto – you’ve got a hot take regarding which of the 9 Faces you are.

5 Key Components Of a Non-Disclosure Agreement

And they spent the resources to protect their business secrets by asking employees to sign a non-disclosure agreement (aka NDAs). I ran across this infographic about non-disclosure agreements from Legal Templates and thought it was an easy to read overview of what NDAs are and the key components to look for in an NDA. The reason I told my tale of two companies at the beginning of this article is because, if you’re an organization using non-disclosure agreements (or considering doing so), it’s important to understand why you’re doing them. Because when you’re presented with one, 1) you need to read it and 2) you need to decide if you’re going to sign it.

Celebrate Your Successes Through Micro Victories

On a team level: Many times, when we work on a team or a project, we have smaller milestones that must be accomplished along the way. Not only does it provide a level of recognition for the team’s hard work to date, but it encourages the team to stay focused and motivated on the big, hairy, audacious goal (BHAG). Organizations should provide regular status reports to employees where goals are concerned and use those updates as a way to celebrate what’s been accomplished so far. Micro-victories or micro-celebrations are a great way for individuals, teams, and organizations to recognize their successes, stay focused on the big picture, and keep motivation at a high level.

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