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Samantha Mariko サマンサ麻里子 Model, musician and blogger in Tokyo, Japan.

Social Audience 1K
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Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko

Gucci had a special event at the Kyoto Takashimaya store in celebration of the Zumi bag collection. The 2nd floor has a special section called the “Ink bar,” and they invited Letterboy to do one-of-a-kind letterings for each of the 10 guests (yes, a very exclusive event! ). APM Monaco held a cozy reception party at the Ginza store to celebrate the launch of their April jewelry collection. I was fortunate enough to attend the reception party at said Omotesando store, and the collection was so adorable and had a hint of nostalgia in the designs.

Some Uplifting Words of Wisdom

I wanted to write this post today with some words of wisdom because we all go through days where we don’t feel our best; where we feel like absolute shit; where we feel worthless or “not enough” because society can really affect the way we perceive ourselves; where we feel lonely even though in reality, your best friend is only a phone call away. Because it’s the hardest of times, the saddest of times and the most frustrating of times that toughen your shell to get you through even harder obstacles in life. Staying positive does not mean that everything will turn out okay; rather, it is knowing that you will be okay no matter how things turn out. Staying positive does not mean that everything will turn out okay; rather, it is knowing that you will be okay no matter how things turn out.

Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko

February was full of colorful showrooms and parties, preparing us for spring that is right around the corner. Are you familiar with any of these new collections or brand launches? Read on for more about each of the events I attended in the month of February! Whenever I feel like I’m in the need for a wardrobe update, ZARA is usually my go-to

3 Reasons Why You Should Travel Solo

Have you ever traveled solo to a place you’ve never been to before? If you’ve read my two posts about my trip to Indonesia at the beginning of the year (Jakarta and Bali respectively), then you might know that this was the first solo trip I’ve ever embarked on. In the process of planning the trip and experiencing a brand new country, I’ve learned a few things that I thought I’d share in a blog post

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