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Life Beyond Hepatitis C

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Hep C Warriors Friday Forum Support Group

If you or a loved one are battling Hep C, YOU are a Hep C Warrior! If this is your first time to join us, don’t be shy, jump in; ask a question, share a helpful treatment tip, ask for prayer, share a scripture that has brought you strength and comfort or shout out encouragement, the important thing is to share what is on your heart. To continue the conversation on our support group, place your comment and keep checking back to this week’s support group page to see replies to your comments. To view this post or other resources, see our home page at, Life Beyond Hep C. Getting to Know God 10 Steps to Living One Day at a Time Will you help us?

Hemochromatosis and Hepatitis C

Hemochromatosis is a condition that can be associated with hepatitis C. Hemochromatosis is a dangerous condition which can damage your liver and other major organs. If the hepatitis C patient has hemochromatosis and it’s left untreated, it can accelerate liver damage, along with heart problems, and diabetes. Some medical studies suggest elevated iron levels can commonly be seen in hepatitis C patients in which excess iron can feed the hepatitis c virus replication, but this is not conclusive. Type 2 hemochromatosis is known typically begins in children and by the early 20’s iron accumulation causes significant changes in sex hormones and can lead to other organ damage.

Overwhelmed by Hep C?

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by Hep C, treatment side effects, or life’s problems? When feeling overwhelmed with Hep C and life’s problems, we can apply a life lesson from the Bible about Jonah. In this case, the rock being God and the hard place at death’s door after being swallowed up by a distressing situation. Have you ever felt overwhelmed by Hep C and life’s problems?

Hep C Warriors Friday Forum Support Group

Hep C Warriors Friday Forum Support Group” here at Life Beyond Hepatitis C. If this is your first time to join us, don’t be shy, jump in; ask a question, share a helpful treatment tip, ask for prayer, share a scripture that has brought you strength and comfort or shout out encouragement, the important thing is to share what is on your heart. To continue the conversation on our support group, place your comment and keep checking back to this week’s support group page to see replies to your comments. To view this post or other resources, see our home page at, Life Beyond Hep C. Getting to Know God Walking Through Hep C with Hope 5 Common Questions and Answers about Hepatitis C Treatment Will you help us?

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