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Top Austin, Texas Blogger, Writer, & Influencer Health & Happiness on a Budget ✯ Social Media & SEO Consultant ✯ Published on Huff Post ✯ As Seen on TV

Social Audience 81K
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Keeping Your Young Athlete Safe and Concussion-Free on the Field - Cha Ching Queen

While youth sports is a great way for kids to get involved, get plenty of exercise, and boost their self-esteem, many sports are potentially dangerous, leading to serious injuries like concussions. Whether your child is playing summer sports or plans on signing up for sports in the fall, there are ways that you can try to prevent your child from being seriously injured without taking away their opportunity to get involved in sports. When your child signs up for a sport, you sign permission slips, take your child to a doctor’s appointment to ensure they are physically able to handle the sport, and you show up to matches to cheer your child on but who’s in charge of keeping your child safe? While the culture and attitudes surrounding sports (and injuries) has changed, some coaches have a “walk it off” mentality or young athletes are afraid to speak up if they get hurt, especially if they think they will be mocked by their peers.

Relief for Perimenopause and Menopause Symptoms - Cha Ching Queen

According to the North American Menopause Society, common symptoms of perimenopause are irregular periods, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, sleep disturbances, and mood swings. In comparison to perimenopause, the common symptoms of menopause include hot flashes, vaginal atrophy (the drying and thinning of vaginal tissues), sleep disturbances, mood swings, and night sweats. Additionally, you can check out Relizen®, which provides powerful, hormone-free relief to women experiencing menopausal hot flashes and night sweats, so they can stay cool and dry all day and night. With Relizen®, 75% of women experienced less frequent, less intense hot flashes and 68% of women experienced less frequent, less intense night sweats.2 Even though perimenopause and menopause symptoms can be unpleasant, it is comforting to know there are so many helpful options available.

Simple Ways to Spoil Yourself - Cha Ching Queen

However, if you’re a couch potato, incorporating regular exercise into your routine could literally save your life. If you’re going to stick with a routine, you need to pick something that you like. If you let your mind fall apart, you’ll feel less satisfied with your life. If you live in a major city, you should be able to find a discount for a reduced cost massage online.

Texas Hill Country Travel: Fun Things to Do in Fredericksburg and Stonewall, Texas - Cha Ching Queen

Earlier in June, I went on a FAM trip to Stonewall and Fredericksburg, Texas with some other Texas bloggers. I have driven through that area several times, and have spent a little bit of time in Fredericksburg, but I knew nothing about Stonewall or Hye. Fun , I knew that Fredericksburg is a city with German heritage and that it has some wineries, but I had no idea just how much history, wineries, beauty, and good food were in the area. The food was delicious and the manager, Jason Cook, gave us an interesting history lesson as we tasted delicious sandwiches and their yummy homemade pickles.

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