Rachel Reilly

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God first 🙏 #mommy #wife 🏆 RealityTV Winner-big brother & fear factor🏆 3 x Amazing Racer watch Wednesdays TV host 🎤actress🎥 casting! 🎬

Location Van Nuys , California
Member Since MAY 01, 2019
Social Audience 383K
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Adventures for Pets

A new year meow-icle- Firefighters and good Samaritans furr-vishily came to rescue dozens of puppies when fire broke out in a building next to a Danbury Connecticut pet store this Thursday 1/3/19. The average annual premium for “accident and illness” coverage was $516 per pet in 2017, while the average claim paid was $278, according to the pet health insurance association. There are lots of options out there but the best way to get insurance is from your employer; 11% are now offering health insurance policies for your pets! Some jumping on board early using this as an opportunity to rescue pets from kill shelters train groom and certify that they will be a good K9 citizen!  - Ya know I actually also read an article that England is banning the sale of puppies and kittens from pet stores as well, but taking it even a bit furr-her!

California is the first state to pass the NO PETS FOR COMMERCIAL Sale

California has become the first state to ban the sale of commercial pets, selling animals from commercial breeders! That's great news for us, shelter pet lovers but bad news for commercial breeders, the AKC, and some in the pet industry. Animal lovers and advocates hope that this will mean more shelter pups will find their families and that small mom and pop pet stores will add shelter pups to their business models. The law is now in effect in California and locals are hoping that this will save lives, and stop the inhumane treatment of puppy mills and large commercial breeders.

Follow up on Benz CCL surgeries

So as promised we have documented Benzs our 11 year old Shelter Rotties TWO leg CCL surgeries. We took him to a local Dog Swimming day care center. We decided to take him to 15 and 30 minute sessions to break up the physical therapy , rather then pay extra for the under water treadmill . Our vet at Primary Care Animal Hospital in long beach recommended getting Benz into the water, lake, or pool, or the underwater treadmill Benz did the swimming lessons and just being in the water to rehab his leg was the best thing for his therapy .

Adoras first – network prime time – TV appearance :)

Rachel Reilly Villegas & Brendon Villegas, for those of you that know our story we met on season 12 of Big Brother went on to win season 13 of Big Brother, went onto Amazing Race as an engaged couple and placed 3rd then went on to amazing race all stars as a married couple and we placed 3rd again! As a giddy mom I just couldn’t wait to show off my little angel and as a fun new mom I wanted to wear matching outfits and share a really cool experience with Adora. Getting Adora ready is super easy a quick bath which she loves anyway, a good feeding after bath a clean diaper and a onesie to wear until you are ready for camera. For us moms to prepare for any type of getting ready with newborns I suggest scheduling an extra hour a good carrier and a little swing.

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