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Hello! My name is Shelby and I am so excited that you are here! WELCOME!

I’m a mom, insta-blogger, wife and bartender.

I love to focus on beauty, style, parenting and everyday life! My goal is to help you get through everyday life! Whether that be help through fashion, beauty, home or parenting I focus on the ordinary- and turning it extrodinary.

I want to show my friends and loved ones (that’s you! If you’re here- we’re officially friends!) how normal it is to be human on the internet full of picture perfect accounts.

Everyday life- everyday beauty!!

Location East Leroy, MI
Country United States of America
Member Since AUGUST 19, 2019
Social Audience 39K
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sparklegigglesmile 39K Last Month Last 3 Months
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Fads VS Fundamentals: what you Actually need during pregnancy

You will lose part of yourself in motherhood- if you’re pregnant for the first time or if you are just adding a new addition to your littles tribe. You will look at your spouse and their insignificant nipples with hatred you didn’t know existed, because it was with love you both decided to bring this little one into this world, right?? Wash your hair- accept the stupid casserole your MIL brings over and be thankful for a warm meal you did When your spouse has nothing planned for an afternoon, leave the house and enjoy a stroll through target alone.

Play Kits by Lovevery: Is the subscription worth it?

I do not deny that whatsoever, who would want to spend $120+ on a single subscription box of toys?? I also had the same thought when I first was introduced to the Play Kits months ago! One single purchased box is around $120 which is designated for a 3 month period of play and growth! Where you’re getting 9 months worth of play that equals less than $40 a month in toys.

Christmas Tradition with Gull Meadow Farms

Mama dressed with long johns and a pair of leggings under a pair of jeans. On top I layered a long sleeve shirt over the long john top, a wool sweater and my “maternity” winter peacoat. Nora was clad in jeans with sweatpants over, her cowl sweater from Old Navy. My husband wore his long johns, and he just had on a pullover under his heavy coat with jeans.

sparkle, giggle & smile

Turn on your JavaScript to view content Pictured Products Directly Linked (Or as close as I could find) Turn on your JavaScript to view content Pictured Products Directly Linked (or as close as I could find) Turn on your JavaScript to view content Nora’s favorite part of her room are the books stacked on that side table (Don’t mind the missing drawer handles, someone can’t stay out, and momma is worried about pinched fingers!!) Turn on your JavaScript to view content Pictured Products Directly Linked (or as close as I could find)

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