Taylor Hartman

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Location Fort Collins, CO
Country United States of America
Member Since NOVEMBER 01, 2019
Social Audience 16K
tayhart24 16K Last Month Last 3 Months
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My babies. My loves. All of these extra minutes, hours, & days with them out of school/daycare make me so grateful. I’ll never take the day-to day tasks of motherhood for granted after seeing all of the sickness, sadness & loneliness happening in the hospital. Enjoy the mundane in life, the boring, slowness & messes that each day brings. Wishing I was back on this trail laughing with my littles on this beautiful Tuesday.

She is small but mighty, and I’m so proud of how well she’s doing hiking. We’ve been hitting up all of our local trails and getting plenty of nature therapy during this hectic time in our world today. Stay safe, smart, responsible & healthy friends. 💫

I had such a great trip to @yellowstonenps for an @womenwhoexplore event watching wolves. From the hot springs, hiking, whiskey, cabin hangs, wildlife and meeting new friends- It was the perfect weekend. Thanks so much @rewild_mama & @riverratalana for putting together such a great trip. Came back feeling so refreshed! 💫

I’ve been training for a 1/2 marathon and doing some intense strength training along with my runs and I’ve loved using Astaxanthin by @bioastin (#Ad) This powerful antioxidant has been shown to support joint/tendon health, support a healthy oxidative balance and a healthy cardiovascular system along with supporting the bodies normal inflammatory response post strenuous exercise. I’ve loved supplementing this into my daily regime. What do you do to help support your body while training? #itakebioastin #bioastin #hawaiianastaxanthin #antioxidants #exerciserecovery

Today our little boy is 7 years old. I can’t believe how fast time flies by & I wish everyday it would slow down. I feel so lucky to be his mommy and celebrate another year of him growing into the young man he will become. Can’t wait to see what year 7 brings. So much love for our Anthony Cruz. 💫

It’s been cold and snowy and I absolutely love this time of year but I’ve been craving warmth/sunshine. We normally head to AZ for a quick winter getaway, but it’s been nice to stay close to home and get things done. What are your favorite US weekend warm weather getaways? Needing some inspiration to plan one!

Nature-walk snack breaks are my kids favorite! (#ad) We made @sweetearthfoods burritos at home and packed them for our outdoor adventure. The plant based burritos are high in protein and fiber, organic and non-gmo and our kids love them! It was the perfect hearty snack to have while playing outside. We found these at @krogerco and are definitely going to start bringing them along more! #NaturalAndOrganicatKroger

Living in Colorado has so many perks but the dryness that’s comes from living here sure isn’t one of them. We love finding things that help soothe/moisturize our babes. @babydovecare is made with 100% skin-natural ingredients without any parabens, dyes or phthalates! Unfortunately, babies lose moisture up to 5X faster than us adults. Our post outdoor adventures include using these products. Plus, baby dove bottles are now made with 100% recycled plastic, which we so appreciate trying to live a minimal/environmentally friendly lifestyle! We picked ours up at our local @krogerco #KrogerBabyFavorites #ad

We are so close to year 7 with this boy. Can’t believe next month we will celebrate him getting older. Totally feel like he was just a crazy toddler, but also we are loving what the big kid years have brought us. I can’t wait to continue to see him grow into the person he is becoming. 💫

Just a typical day in our world. Two wild babes. Hazel is a little bit less wild than Anthony but she’s on her way to his level of wild! I need all of the coffee and all of the energy to get through our days, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Gloomy days don’t always mean you have to stay inside. #ad We packed up our dinner ingredients and made sure to head outdoors to make it one day this past week. We are really loving the Non-GMO avocado oil by @pamcookingsprayofficial from @krogerco We have been using it to make all of our plant-based meals! Grab a meal and go make it outdoors this weekend! We promise you won’t regret it. #PamCookingSprayAtKroger

It can be SO windy in northern CO and as much as I try to still get outside with my kiddos on the windy days it’s just realllly un-enjoyable for them + freezing cold. What’s your favorite indoor activity on cold/windy days?

My super sweet cheese-tastic babes. If I’m being honest, I’m so happy the holidays are over. We’ve had a few weeks of whirl-wind with Anthony being out of school/Haze taking a winter break from daycare + throw in some sicknesses and we’ve spent more time indoors than usual over break. It’s always nice to have extra time with these two though, but we’re ready for this next season of routine and my kiddos are enrolled in a few fun winter activities they are stoked about! Happy weekend friends.

Sometimes the weekends at home are what we need the most. My little boy is growing so so fast. Trying to soak in every single moment of enjoying time with him while he is on break from a good 1/2 year of 1st grade. ⭐️

Bedtime is crazy at our house. It’s a good 30 min process to get through alllll the things leading up to actual bedtime. #ad We partnered with @toms_of_maine this month because we love their all natural toothpaste and they came out with an Activated Charcoal Toothpaste that the kids totally love using! Toms Uses naturally derived ingredients, SLS-free, with fluoride, paraben-free, phthalate free, phenoxyethanol free, no artificial preservatives or artificial flavors. It’s perfect for everyday use and formulated to protect against cavities! Pick yours up at your local @krogerco #TomsOfMaineAtKroger #naturaltoothpaste

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