Jessica Williams

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I’ve worn a lot of hats throughout my career (and still do!). 💁🏾‍♀️ My background includes managing Cisco infrastructures, working with women startups and side hustlers, and coaching individuals through a career change into technology.

These experiences have helped me hone in on my unique ability to connect with people, translate between techie and regular-person-language, learn, care and get creative about opportunities for growth.

My day is a mix of doing Customer Research Strategy for &yet, helping other startups and companies through operations and solutions consulting. And helping women to start side hustles as a way to build for their future without sacrificing the stability of a day job.

Location Chicago, IL
Country United States of America
Member Since OCTOBER 25, 2019
Social Audience 5K
  • Business and Finance
  • Careers
  • Career Advice
  • Family and Relationships
  • Personal Finance
Hobbies Don't Need to Become Hustles

Now don’t get me wrong, I make part of a living talking about what’s possible with side hustles. But not everything has to turn into a hustle, as Molly Conway reminds us: She also talks about the larger issue of busyness and hustle culture. I wouldn’t want to turn my reading, work on jigsaw puzzles, or even dance into a business.

#jesspicks #loves 2020

Because who doesn’t love pie that looks like a book? I have read about zones of genius in The Big Leap (another good read) before but this one is pretty good too. I’m reading this book a little at a time as I go through training to become a Playing Big Facilitator. My faves from her list: 17-minute naps (need to try this!), Double Stuff Oreos (they are sooo good), and whiskey (I like mine with a mixer though, like apple juice).

55 Things I Did, Experienced and Appreciated in 2020

This feels more me and gives me a way to look back at the year and really think about what happened, what I was able to accomplish, and give me some good information to carry into 2021. I signed up for Broadway (because I’m a dancer dangit, albeit an awkward one) and learned choreography to 4 Broadway songs. Published the 200th issue of #jesspicks (!!) and shared some lessons I’ve learned along the way from doing a weekly newsletter for the past 4 years. Led a teaching session in our mastermind group about my newsletter, how it started, my process, and things I pay attention to.

Your Purpose is to Design Your Life

I love, love, this post from Tim Denning. Or a one size fits all approach to your job or your business. You can decide what works best for you. “Lifestyle design can be as simple as writing down how you want to earn a living, what your hobbies will be, how you’ll spend your money, who you will spend your time with, what you will believe, how you will act, where you will live, and how much time you dedicate towards your family.

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