Let’s be real for a second – general music can be a tough buy in, especially at the middle school and high school level.
rewards student behavior, XP allow students to level up and learn powers, which they can use for themselves or their teamExamples of how students can earn XP in my class:completes the bell ringer before class officially starts (incentive for them to come to class and be ready to start on time)Health points(HP)
– discourages negative student behavior, HP is the life force of their character – if they lose too much HP, they will fall in battleExamples of how students can lose HP in my class:did not participate in group workGold pieces(GP)
– extra reward for student behavior(part of the paid plan) or earned when leveling up(available in free plan), GP allows students to purchase gear for their characterExamples of how students can gain GP in my class:early to class (certain number of minutes before class