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Samsung’s ‘The Premiere’ ultra short throw projectors are now available, starting at $3,500

In order to achieve a larger display while maintaining adequate brightness for the HDR10+ specification, the LSP9T needs a more powerful light source; the LSP7T is rated for 2,200 ANSI Lumens compared to the 2,800 of the more expensive model — the latter being the first HDR10+ certified projector on the market. Image quality aside, the projector comes in a compact form factor that includes built-in speakers with surround sound virtualization, allowing it to (attempt to) replicate the surround effects you’d get from a proper multi-speaker setup. It also comes with the Tizen software used throughout Samsung’s TVs, which is a big upgrade over what’s available on most other projectors, and the laser-based lamp should ensure longevity over the bulbs in traditional projectors. On the other hand, it still does seem expensive, considering the excellent VAVA 4K projector claims 2,500 ANSI lumens at $2,800 retail; cheaper than either model.

Online resources for US voters who care about cannabis reform

If you’ve got everything sorted out – who you’re going to vote for, how the individual candidates intend to vote on cannabis issues, etc. In partnership with Seattle-based Saints Joints, which now has locations in California and Oklahoma, his company has created a dead-simple product called the “Ballot Box” that connects purchasers directly to the Cannabis Voter Project to register them to vote. Per a press release from Higher Ground TV, the Ballot Box is “a high-end box of cannabis joints designed to smash stoner stereotypes by registering people to vote. If you’re unable to purchase the Ballot Box in person, you can still head over to the Cannabis Voter Project to make sure your registration is up-to-date and get news and info related to the upcoming elections and cannabis.

A beginner’s guide to AI: The difference between video game AI and real AI

Among the most common misconceptions surrounding machine learning technology is the idea that video games dating back to the 1970s and 1980s had built-in “artificial intelligence” capable of interacting with a human user. If you’re curious but in a hurry, video game “AI,” in the traditional sense, is not what people refer to in the modern era when they’re talking about artificial intelligence. The “bots” in an online multiplayer game, the enemies in a first-person-shooter, and the CPU-controlled characters in old-school Nintendo games are not examples of artificial intelligence, they’re just clever programming tricks. Perhaps in the future as games continue to expand in size and features it’ll begin to make sense to create AI-powered agents to explore video game worlds in tandem with players.

Don’t be fooled: Blockchains are not miracle security solutions

You wouldn’t have any other security features such as identity and access management, endpoint security or network security; and you wouldn’t be protected against brain hacking (phishing, social engineering, etc.). In theory a pseudo blockchain audit trail should be more secure than the one from a conventional system, but I wouldn’t trust it because the solution provider is incompetent for suggesting a blockchain in the first place. From a cybersecurity perspective, the external system should be considered as a third-party solution and a security due diligence should be conducted as for any other third party. Their security must be assessed thoroughly, and security controls must be implemented to fill the identified gaps, based on the organization’s risk appetite, like for any other system.

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