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I'm a desperate ranch wife. I live in the country. I love Ethel Merman and Basset Hounds. Amen.

Social Audience 7M
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Alex and Ice Cream and Ladd—Oh My!

We are opening a little ice cream place in town later this week. It will have cones and sundaes and fun candy, and Bryce and his friend Kevin were happy to volunteer as tribute (tasters) last week. These are the bare bones of the ice cream place: We basically painted the brick white, had the bench built in, added pendant lights, and brought in some tables. We have a little more work to do this week (we’ll paint some fun murals on the wall) but we’re almost there!

April Come She Will

With the exception of a couple of days they had to abstain due to the wind being strong enough to make my face ripple in a slow-motion video (which is precisely why I do not participate in any slow-motion videos), most of the days have seen gentle breezes…ahhhh. My mother-in-law Nan and her mom, Edna Mae, started filling stock pots in the kitchen and pouring water through the wood slats as the guys manned the fire truck and attacked it from the other direction. I’m very proud of the treats, and I’m very proud of all my doggies, who have been rock stars during Purina’s visits to the ranch. Finishing my new cookbook, filming new Food Network shows, working on a new project for this website (I think you will like it! ! ), getting ready for Alex’s graduation, and various other kid, husband, animal, and family things coming over the next several weeks!

Birthday Girl

I have been at the Merc quite a bit over the past week, and I had the honor of meeting Glendene, who is turning 100 this week! Glendene came (with the important women in her family) to the Merc to celebrate, and I was so excited that I happened to be there so we could share a few words (and a hug or two.) Glendene has lived a full, rich, and layered life. And on her hundredth birthday, she’s surrounded by those she has nurtured and raised.

Swoop, Snow, and Other News

In dinnerware news, I wanted to show you my new spring pattern at Walmart. It’s called Heritage Floral, and it just takes my breath away. We are in Colorado for a few days, and here is a photo Ladd took yesterday. This stopping point is actually called Two Elk Lodge, and there happened to be an elk in front as they arrived to eat lunch.

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