With the exception of a couple of days they had to abstain due to the wind being strong enough to make my face ripple in a slow-motion video (which is precisely why I do not participate in any slow-motion videos), most of the days have seen gentle breezes…ahhhh.
My mother-in-law Nan and her mom, Edna Mae, started filling stock pots in the kitchen and pouring water through the wood slats as the guys manned the fire truck and attacked it from the other direction.
I’m very proud of the treats, and I’m very proud of all my doggies, who have been rock stars during Purina’s visits to the ranch.
Finishing my new cookbook, filming new Food Network shows, working on a new project for this website (I think you will like it! ! ), getting ready for Alex’s graduation, and various other kid, husband, animal, and family things coming over the next several weeks!