There are many reasons I could tell you why I can’t, such as not having a bulk store to shop for groceries, but the truth is that bulk stores aren’t the only way to achieve zero-waste cooking in your home.
To better share all the ways you can achieve zero-waste cooking, I’ve invited my sustainable living friend, Farah, to share all of her tips and tricks with you so that we can all be that much closer to zero-waste cooking in all of our homes!
If a food item you’re going to use is on sale for buy one get one fifty percent off or something like that, but you know you don’t actually need extra of that item, don’t buy it.
Even if you think you might use it, it’s best to be safe rather than sorry, especially if you know you do this kind of thing a lot but never actually end up using all of it (I’m also guilty of having done this, but being conscious of it helps!).