Tiffany Romito

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Just a bipolar mom living on a funny farm 🌾 I’m a wife, mom, special education teacher & now a “farmerish” blogger! My blog details my experience with bipolar disorder & life on a small farm with pigs and goats.

Location Seattle, Washington
Country United States of America
Member Since SEPTEMBER 24, 2020
Social Audience 5K Last Month
  • Moz DA 13
tiffanyromito 5K Last Month Last 3 Months
  • Posts 0 0
  • Engagement Rate 0.0% 0.0%
  • Sponsored Posts N/A N/A
  • Sponsored Engagement Rate N/A N/A
  • Avg Likes 0 0
  • Avg Comments 0 0
  • Books and Literature
  • Parenting
  • Medical Health
  • Pop Culture
Lessons in Letting Go

I see myself as an empathetic person, meaning I can truly understand what’s causing certain behaviors or aspects within a person or situation. Finally, with self-care and mindful practice, I’ve learned a few lessons in letting go of what doesn’t serve you, appreciate you, or fully deserve your attention & love. Here are some lessons I’ve personally experienced that may help or at least give some insight on what we can do to fully let go of the negative aspects in our life & make room for all the abundance of love we deserve: I think the temporary joy I feel comes from a place of also trying to find outside outlets to make me happy.

The queen of procrastination

I’ve been able to continue my work for other popular websites, such as BpHope, but mostly because it’s deadline driven. I attached the image in the beginning of this post to remind myself that it truly doesn’t matter if you’re rich, popular, or perfect. It truly is about being humble, sharing our experiences & hopefully maybe touching the life of another human being other than yourself. And know that life is so much more than appearing perfect for the world to see.

Illusions of love

How can starting Farmerish be more important than finding out I’m pregnant? The messages from strangers, people I know dearly, and even random acquaintances over the years have piled into my inbox. I know by putting myself out there also lets a lot of people with darker intentions into my life, however. I can’t let people into my life that aren’t going to return the same investment that I would do for them.

Raging Hormones

If anyone ever wants to start a blog, which it’s fairly easy to do, you have to remember to be consistent. Having bipolar disorder doesn’t help either. After I had gotten ready I received a text from her cancelling, saying she wasn’t feeling up for it. I looked back at the message and I realized it wasn’t that she didn’t want to spend time with me it

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