Taurea Avant

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๐Ÿ“š15X Author ๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿฝ900+students ๐ŸŽ™ Keynote speaker Founder of @urbanceonetwork ๐Ÿ“–I teach biz owners to write SUCCESSFUL books to grow their biz + more!

Location Houston, TX
Country United States
Member Since APRIL 15, 2019
Social Audience 42K
  • Careers
  • Career Advice
  • Family and Relationships
  • Parenting
  • Paranormal Phenomena
Cash Flow & Comedy Show

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Edward E. Felder Jr and Rodney Adams about what it takes to get your book done and why I believe you should write a book! This interview is funny, entertaining and also informative and will leave you with the knowledge to get you started! Also you can visit Bshani Radio where the Cash Flow and Comedy show is hosted. Go to www.bshaniradio.com/cash-flowโ€“comedy.html These guys have interviewed some of the greatest!

7 Reasons You Should Write A Book For Your Business

The most highly paid speakers have multiple books associated with the topics they speak on and speaking is a great way to bring new people into your business. You probably started your business because you are passionate about something and want to change peopleโ€™s lives. Also when you join my group of visionaries, you will also be invited to private calls and training on writing your book, public speaking, social media and more. Also when you join my group of visionaries, you will also be invited to private calls and training on writing your book, public speaking, social media and more.

Project 200

and I am soooooo excited about this incredible opportunity to connect with 200 families over the next 3 months in showing them how to earn at least $1000 per month or more! I dont know if you have been following me as of the past two years but this major launch is a LONG TIME COMING! * Not even a requirement to be on weekly conference calls If this has piqued your interest and you would like to know more, simply fill out your information below. The PRIVATE call will be Thursday July 12th at 7PM EST!


2nd Call Playback โ€“ CLICK HERE to listen to the playback I am so excited to announce the opportunity to join me and my non-profit Show Your Success Worldwide in Ghana! Here is one of the foundations we will be supporting https://www.facebook.com/CheerfulHeartsFoundationGhana CLICK HERE to see the Airbnbโ€™s that are available to hold up to 7 people. I would like to set a goal to get 500 pairs of shoes KG 1 = 32 KG 2 = 32 Grade One = 37 Grade Two = 50 Grade Three = 48 Grade Four = 48 Grade Five = 51 Grade Six = 77 Grade Seven = 53 Grade Eight = 48

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