Julie Smeltzer

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Fab Working Mom Life aims to help working moms in our journey to find a balance between our family, responsibilities, and hobbies.

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Side-Hustle Series: Interview with @Modernmomprobs

What inspired you to launch your book, Modern Mom Probs: A Survival Guide for 21st Century Moms.? Modern Mom Probs helps mothers struggling with the mental load of motherhood by calling attention to the issue. Having said that, I offer specific tips on how to ease the load, such as asking our partners for help, opening our partners’ eyes to seeing what needs to be done around the house, and changing the dynamic of household manager (you) vs. underling (partner). As far as motherhood topics, I think it’s important to talk about pregnancy loss, infertility, maternal mental health, the mental load of motherhood, the myth of work-life balance, and positive parenting.

Celeb Mom Shares Tips for Juggling Young Kids and Demanding Careers

For all you busy moms out there, here are some of my best tips for how to create fun and meaningful activities with your children as you work through your busy day. Juggling all my businesses with young kids isn’t always easy, but I’m grateful that I can find time during the day to work. Use dinnertime as a time to connect with your kids and listen to what’s on their minds Once we’re home from school, I’m back in the kitchen making dinner. It’s one of my favorite times of the day because Corey and I get to spend quality time with our kids and hear about what is going on in their curious little minds.

Helping your Child with Separation Anxiety at School

She also has anxiety, and, unlike most children whose fear of separating from parents to go to school abates after the first year or two, she will always be more on the anxious side walking through those big doors in the morning. As an early childhood educator, I am a firm believer in using picture books to help our children make sense of the world. As much as they may pretend that they don’t, children need structure and knowing what to expect each and every morning (and throughout the day) will help lessen your child’s anxiety about the events of his or her day. Brandy Browne is an early childhood educator in the United States, as well as a family coach and blogger for UnStuck (www.unstucks.com), her family coaching service aimed at helping families develop positive habits and breaking the cycle of generational trauma and poverty.

6 Money Saving Moving Tips

It’s some of these factors that we wish to highlight in this article by sharing a few money-saving moving tips so that you’re better able to identify and plug any potential money drains. For the latter, you’ll need extra hands on deck, so consider whether you have people on hand to help you out with that if you’re going DIY with your move. Packing materials may not seem like they cost much, but things like moving boxes alone can cost a couple of hundred dollars if we’re talking about a bigger household. For other packing supplies like packing paper, tape, tape guns, and mattress bags consider getting them from Amazon.

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