Germany Travel


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Monika Fuchs Created by Monika Fuchs FEBRUARY 28, 2019

Travel tips for Germany including places to go, where to eat, what to eat, best places to stay, what you should know about German culture and everything you should know, when traveling in Germany.

Audience 205K
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    This Pack includes 5 profiles with YouTube accounts. Audience data for these accounts is private.

  • 902
  • Career Advice
  • Events and Attractions
  • Desserts and Baking
  • Non-Alcoholic Beverages
  • World Cuisines
  • Travel
  • Travel Locations
  • Traveling

Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Germany Travel (8)
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  • How to make Eierlikör at Home

    Because I buy farm fresh eggs, I don’t usually worry about the eggs (I like to eat cookie dough too… and I’ve been known to run with scissors). If you aren’t certain about your eggs, or you don’t like the idea of raw eggs, please use the recipe from my friend Nadia at Spoonfuls of Germany. Glass Bottle Set with Swing Top Stoppers and Includes Bottle Brush , Funnel and Gold Glass Marker | Liter (6 Pack) ROUND Clear Glass Grolsch Flip Top Bottle With Stopper, for Beverages, Smoothies, Kefir, Beer, Soda, Juicing, Kombucha, Water, Milk, Oil and Vinegar

  • Eierlikör Torte Recipe – Perfect for Easter or the Kaffeeklatsch

    The original recipe calls for pouring Eierlikör over the whipped cream topped cake (that’s why you put the tufts of cream around the edges, it holds the liqueur in). Also, works as 1/2 cup chocolate chips) 40 gr Chocolate shavings (I just used what was left from a chocolate bar...) Chocolate eggs or Marzipan eggs for Decoration if desired Prepare (I usually just transfer them to another bowl, and use the stand mixing bowl for the next part) Put the Egg Yolks and Sugar into the mixing bowl, and beat at medium speed until they are well combined and look almost white. Lightly Sweetened Whipped Cream goes on the top and sides… smooth with a spatula (an offset spatula is perfect for this, a regular one will do) Sprinkle on the sides of the cake Make sure your fingers are cold… you can tip the cake a bit for a better angle

  • South Dakota Kuchen Recipe- A Volga German Legacy

    Like Germans in Germany, South Dakota Germans make time to sit with a coffee and a slice of Kuchen. Most use an enriched yeast dough, are filled with fruit and custard, then baked in a pie or cake pan. I made the dough without any changes, but then I cut the dough in half, cut the custard recipe in half, and just baked 3 Kuchen. After the first rise Push the dough 1 inch up the sides of the pan Sprinkle with cinnamon or nutmeg Add Fruit Then sprinkle with crumbs Cover the fruit with Custard and more crumbs

  • Bavarian Kaiserschmarrn mit Apfel Compote ala Xaver’s Munich

    This week I traveled to Bavaria by Zoom for a semi-private cooking lesson with the chef and owner of Xaver’s in Munich… step-by-step they led me through the process, and in the end I had a delicious plate loaded with powder sugar dusted Bavarian Kaiserschmarrn and an extraordinarily tasty Apfel Compote. In our house, we sometimes refer to Kaiserschmarrn as a sort of torn up pancake (in fact, once or twice I’ve set out to make Eierkuchen, goofed them up while flipping, torn them a bit, and called them Kaiserschmarrn… but that’s wrong). Pan – Hard Anodized Aluminum with Anti-Warp Base, Stainless Steel Handle – Nonstick Fry Skillet for Gas, Electric, Induction Cooktops – Dishwasher & Oven-Safe – Black, Inch OXO Good Grips Apple Slicer, Corer and Divider How to make Bavarian Kaiserschmarrn and Apfel Compote Pour the batter around the raisins

  • Write to the Osterhase, Hanni Hase, at the German Osterpostamt

    Because of Covid-19, children are home with more time to write letters, and there were more concerns about whether the Easter Bunny would even make it to their home. We old hands ensure that every child who writes to the Easter Bunny gets an answer,” says chief secretary Hans-Hermann Dunker (78), who personally handles 70-100 letters each day. Children ask about Frau Hase, and if Hanni has children (he does, 7, and he hopes that one of them will take over the Osterhase duties some day). But each letter is carefully read, and every letter does get an answer (remember the excitement of getting an ACTUAL letter in the mail?).

  • Win Woolfit Slippers from German Slippers for Easter!

    Two winners will each receive a $120 Voucher to get a pair of WoolFit Slippers I’ve had a pair of WoolFit Slippers for over a year now, and I can honestly say I LOVE THEM. The latest style, the Taiga, is perfect for people who work at home (it looks like a shoe, feels like a slipper) You can also choose the classic slipper, clog, or even ankle high slipper for extra coziness! has generously offered visitors to my website a special 20% discount on any Slippers or House Shoes on their site!

  • St Hildegard von Bingen

    St Hildegard von Bingen officially holds title of Patron Saint of Writers and Composers (and some suggest she’s unofficially the patron saint of both Beer, and of The Benedictine Abbess was a Polymath who received visions from God, wrote books about Science and Nature, wrote music used in the church, corresponded and gave consultation to Kings, Queens, and Bishops, invented her own language, painted, started her own Abbey (against the will of the Benedictine Monks), traveled extensively in Europe on a sort of speaking/preaching tour, was placed under interdict and venerated, and is thought to be the reason we put hops in beer. She followed up with other divine books, Libervitae Martorium (Book of Life’s Merits) and Liber Divinorum operom (Book of Divine works) Medieval depiction of a spherical earth with different seasons at the same time (from the book “Liber Divinorum Operum”). St Hildegard von Bingen spent much of her time writing and corresponding with religious leaders and Head’s of State all over Europe.

  • Die Sendung mit der Maus! 50 Years of Explaining our World

    For 50 years this award winning German TV program on WDR entertained and educated German kids ! After all these years of explaining the world, making kids laugh at cartoons, and learning from the exploits of Maus and Elefant, it’s hard to believe that the show almost didn’t get made. … first Sachgeschichten, factual stories about HOW things work, and theb Lachgeschichten (a funny cartoon or two and silly stories). (“Laughing and Learning Stories for Television Beginners”) it was considered quite controversial, because at the time television aimed at children under six years old was forbidden in Germany.

  • Cute Animal House Slippers from Germany

    We wear slippers and house shoes all the time in our house. I like to have warm feet, and I hate dragging dirt from the garden or street into our home. Fortunately, GermanSlippers has a fun selection of SUPER CUTE Animal House Slippers for women and men that are perfect for lounging around or taking a Zoom Meeting. Boiled wool uppers keep the feet cozy warm, yet still allow your feet to breathe.

  • Karen A Carlson 91K FEBRUARY 25, 2021
    What is a Volksmarsch? Walking for Fun, Friendship and Fitness

    Maybe a short walk to aid digestion, or walking instead of driving to the local market to pick something up, and of course, a Sonntagsspaziergang (Sunday Walk) was a weekly thing, generally through a botanical garden or local scenic area. Think of a Volksmarsch, also called a Volkswanderung (people’s hike) or Volkswalk (people’s walk) as a non-competitive fitness walking. Hiking became a symbol of freedom from the constraints of everyday life for the middle and upper classes (again, probably not for the peasants, who were still walking to work, and probably weren’t interested in taking a long walk to admire the cosmos on their day off). , “Get 3 Germans together, and you end up with 5 clubs” (naturally, one of those will be about Fitness) Walking organizations like the Deutsche Wanderverband and the NatureFreunde were established in the late 1800s, to help organize Nature lovers.

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