offers, give your reviews and get free products, such as makeup, hair products, skincare, and now on food, works with points, basically what you have to do is connect all your social media (Instagram, Facebook, Blog, Pinterest) to get more score, answer the ‘’snaps’’ that are short surveys about the product you have used and watch out your mail for the invitation to the campaigns in this case VoBoxes.
BzzAgent, another platform, to buy free products, but here you have to register through the website, answer their surveys so that they know your interests, then they will invite you to a campaign, you have to pay attention to your email because the of the response time, if you are selected for the campaign, you will have to confirm your address, and they will send you the product.
Social Native is a platform where you can get free products and be remunerated for other kinds of campaigns, like posting content on your social media about a specific theme, you have to have a Facebook Page, and a Business Instagram account, like Bzzagent, you have to register on the website and stay tuned in your mail for the invitation to the campaigns, you have to be fast because the time to respond is short.
and then you will have missions like to share your feedback on your social media, tell your friends and take good and quality photos.