

Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Ephemeralix Created by Ephemeralix JUNE 05, 2019

This pack is to help people build a following.

Sell Products / Become a Reseller
Sep 07

Post on Instagram
Apr 08

Ask the Pack
Oct 09

Post on Instagram
Sep 28

Review a Product
Sep 28

Post on Instagram
Sep 25

Custom Collab
Sep 24

Custom Collab
Sep 24

Post on Instagram
Sep 23

Post on Instagram
Sep 22

Post on Instagram
Jul 22

Ask the Pack
Jul 19

Share My Content
Jan 04

Write an Article
Nov 26

Post on Instagram
Nov 09

Sell Products / Become a Reseller
Oct 25

Share My Content
Oct 07

Audience 845K
  • 566K
  • 269K
  • (Information)

    This Pack includes 16 profiles with YouTube accounts. Audience data for these accounts is private.

  • 869
  • Careers
  • Career Advice
  • Education
  • Computing

Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Shoutouts (41)
Member Audience Pack Score

Pack Score: Measures a user’s influence and reach in relation to their peers within a pack. Improve your Pack Score by connecting your accounts to Perlu.

  • Garbo 307 MARCH 30, 2021
    Tania Head: The 9/11 Faker

    One group, the World Trade Center Survivors’ Network, was founded by Gerry Bogazc, who had escaped from the North Tower on 9/11. While everyone’s story was heartbreaking, Head’s was the worst: she had been working for Merrill Lynch, helping to close a big merger on the 96th floor of the North Tower, when she saw the first plane hit the South Tower, where her fiance, Dave, worked. Since she was now the face of the survivors’ network, The New York Daily News ran her story in 2006, right before the fifth anniversary of the attacks. A week after the flattering New York Daily News profile, The New York Times ran a piece exposing Head’s lies.

  • Scott Marcus 0 MARCH 30, 2021
    3 quick and easy ways to create Mindfulness Moments during busy and stressful days by Light Above Solitude • A podcast on Anchor

    #029: Is there a best way for your body, mind, and soul to operate? And how can we start to uncover that and put it into daily practice? Your Human Design chart can help you become more aligned with the ways in which you were actually created to work, to live, and to be here on Earth. You can now support my work by buying me a coffee: Or find more options on my support page: //

  • Scott Marcus 0 MARCH 25, 2021
    E37 by Optometry: The Ultimate O.D. • A podcast on Anchor

    3 Things You Should Have Taken Away From Lockdown - E1 Highlights from this episode: 3 things you should have taken away from lockdown (00:41) In order to not let the pain be in vain, in this episode I boil down all the craziness of the pandemic into 3 things you should have taken away from lockdown (00:41). Don’t worry, I did the heavy lifting for you and give you my take on Melton, Thomas, & Vollmer’s Clinical Perspectives on Patient Care (12:05); what was perhaps not so helpful or realistic and what I think is actually good insight and can be applied to our real life practices. Today I’m going to begin by taking you down memory lane as I explain the start of my journey to find my niche in optometry (19:22).

  • Scott Marcus 0 MARCH 23, 2021
    Ways to harness and utilize the abundant energies of the Spring Equinox by Light Above Solitude • A podcast on Anchor

    #029: Is there a best way for your body, mind, and soul to operate? And how can we start to uncover that and put it into daily practice? Your Human Design chart can help you become more aligned with the ways in which you were actually created to work, to live, and to be here on Earth. You can now support my work by buying me a coffee: Or find more options on my support page: //

  • Scott Marcus 0 MARCH 22, 2021
    Patient Appreciation by Optometry: The Ultimate O.D. • A podcast on Anchor

    3 Things You Should Have Taken Away From Lockdown - E1 Highlights from this episode: 3 things you should have taken away from lockdown (00:41) In order to not let the pain be in vain, in this episode I boil down all the craziness of the pandemic into 3 things you should have taken away from lockdown (00:41). Don’t worry, I did the heavy lifting for you and give you my take on Melton, Thomas, & Vollmer’s Clinical Perspectives on Patient Care (12:05); what was perhaps not so helpful or realistic and what I think is actually good insight and can be applied to our real life practices. Today I’m going to begin by taking you down memory lane as I explain the start of my journey to find my niche in optometry (19:22).

  • Garbo 307 MARCH 21, 2021
    Magdalena Solís: The High Priestess of Blood

    It was a warm May day in 1963 when 14-year-old Sebasian Guerrero was out exploring near the small village of Yerbabuena (sometimes spelled Yerba Buena) in southern Tamaulipas, Mexico. It was near dark when Gurrero saw something that intrigued him: flickering lights coming from inside a nearby cave. At the far end of the cave, upon an elaborate altar, Guerrero saw where the dark fluid came from: a human being, hacked to pieces, the final drops of his blood being collected in chalices. Terrified, Guerrero ran more than 15 miles to the town of Villagrán — the closest police station to the isolated village.

  • Garbo 307 MARCH 18, 2021
    Harvard in Tech Spotlight: James Ruben, founder and CEO of Hellosaurus (Y Combinator S20)

    Prior to founding Hellosaurus, James was head of product at HQ Trivia, where he learned a lot about the interactive video world. In particular, he learned that creating a successful interactive video software company required two components: content for which interaction was a fundamental component and a market full of content creators who could serve as the production arm. Kids media was the perfect fit on both of those dimensions: kids shows have always turned to the screen and asked the kid to participate and a series of content moderation and policy changes at YouTube have pushed many kids media creators on YouTube to look for alternatives. Similarly, when building the team at Hellosaurus, James prioritizes prior experience building meaningful children

  • Scott Marcus 0 MARCH 18, 2021
    5 Little Things That Will Make A Big Difference in Your Practice

    3 Things You Should Have Taken Away From Lockdown - E1 Highlights from this episode: 3 things you should have taken away from lockdown (00:41) In order to not let the pain be in vain, in this episode I boil down all the craziness of the pandemic into 3 things you should have taken away from lockdown (00:41). Don’t worry, I did the heavy lifting for you and give you my take on Melton, Thomas, & Vollmer’s Clinical Perspectives on Patient Care (12:05); what was perhaps not so helpful or realistic and what I think is actually good insight and can be applied to our real life practices. Today I’m going to begin by taking you down memory lane as I explain the start of my journey to find my niche in optometry (19:22).

  • Garbo 307 MARCH 18, 2021
    David Haenke on ‘Bioregionalism & Ecological Economics’

    If the majority of the world’s larger economic enterprises and national economies were made to pay their way in terms of full ecologically-audited costs of their raw materials, labor, production-distribution operations, waste, and pollution, most of them would go bankrupt in a very short time, along with the governments that support and subsidize them. Similarly, all human economic enterprises, whether they be state, private, and all forms in between, also must create some margin of surplus (which may or may not be called “profit,” and which always comes from biological solar surplus or other Earth resources) in order to survive. The level, nature and source of business subsidies, such as: cheap access to natural financial resources, public tax money, regulatory breaks, tax breaks; below-cost access to physical resources; incentives; regulatory favors; concessions; inside information; depletion allowances; below market cost access to financial resources At the same time, eco-auditing will provide a powerful tool for economic enterprises to evaluate their real profitability, as well as determine the best methods for them to self-regulate themselves in ways not determined by government or the arbitrary, ecologically and socially destructive forces of the money and investment-driven marketplace.

  • Garbo 307 MARCH 18, 2021
    Harvard in Tech Spotlight: Yana Welinder, founder of Kraftful (Y Combinator S19)

    My guess is that there’s probably a category of people that can deal with founder stress better than politics and other things that you often need to deal with as an executive. But they can also have features that nudge people into adopting more sustainable habits, like spending less energy heating/cooling their home in the middle of the night when they’re asleep. Second, to be able to unlock different connectivity use cases (like energy efficiency), connected products need to be usable by people beyond techie early adopters. While everything is becoming connected, poor UX makes people feel like they’re losing control over their most intimate space: people get locked out, can’t heat their home, lights turn on/off at random times, etc.

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