

Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Jamireal B. Epps Created by Jamireal B. Epps SEPTEMBER 03, 2019

This group is for you if you seek to connecOrlando collaborate with melanin people, whether you have melanin in your skin or not.

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Sep 04

Audience 140K
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    This Pack includes 7 profiles with YouTube accounts. Audience data for these accounts is private.

  • 121K
  • 885
  • 79
  • Business and Finance
  • Industries
  • Healthy Living
  • Pop Culture

Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Melanin (14)
Member Audience Pack Score

Pack Score: Measures a user’s influence and reach in relation to their peers within a pack. Improve your Pack Score by connecting your accounts to Perlu.

  • @joeyvpricehr 50K FEBRUARY 26, 2021
    Jumpstart:HR Announces Partnership with the National HBCU Speech and Debate Association - Jumpstart:HR

    Jumpstart:HR today announces a new partnership with the National HBCU Speech and Debate Association. Students who participate in the Association dedicate themselves to rigorously developing these skills and deserve opportunity and exposure at the professional level,” says Joey Price, CEO at Jumpstart:HR, LLC. They can utilize all of those skills so when they create a vision, people can buy into that vision.” says Dr. Christopher “Coach” Medina, Executive Director of the National HBCU Debate Association. About The National HBCU Speech and Debate Association: The National HBCU Speech and Debate Association is dedicated to developing and fostering significant educational opportunities and benefits for HBCU students.

  • @joeyvpricehr 50K MARCH 02, 2020
    How HR Help Employees Prevent and Plan for Coronavirus - Jumpstart:HR

    In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death. To avoid the spread of misinformation, HR should endeavor to ensure that employees aren’t sharing false information or gossiping about others. Such information should be openly available so that employees have complete trust in the information provided. In general, human resources departments should strive to contain the spread of communicable diseases such as the coronavirus by emphasizing employee hygiene, monitoring the spread of infection, and considering more serious emergency protocols if necessary.

  • @joeyvpricehr 50K FEBRUARY 24, 2020
    HR Outsourcing and Consulting for Small Businesses and Startups

    Below are 5 risk management steps for effective risk management process : Step 1: Identify the Risk. During this step you assess your highest ranked risks and set out a plan to treat or modify these risks to achieve acceptable risk levels. And you add the risk treatment measures for the highest ranking or most serious risks to your Project Risk Register. This is the step where you take your Project Risk Register and use it to monitor, track and review risks.

  • @joeyvpricehr 50K FEBRUARY 17, 2020
    HR Outsourcing and Consulting for Small Businesses and Startups

    The Benefits of Using A HR Consultant HR consultants must be proficient in IT, accounting, sales, marketing, finance and, of course, human resource management as to fully understand issues and inefficiencies in human resources and how to remedy them. By ensuring that every employee is contributing towards the goals of the business you will ensure your business grows whilst motivating employees to perform to their best ability. HR consultants can help in the area of recruitment by providing advice to business owners on the optimum recruitment strategies as well as assisting in hiring decisions and reducing your “cost-per-hire” by ensuring you recruit the best candidate. A HR consultant can be of great assistance to help maintain employee motivation levels, enhance staff performance, identify the right training to develop the correct skills and ensure your employees are adding value to your company while retaining them at the same time.

  • @joeyvpricehr 50K FEBRUARY 10, 2020
    HR Outsourcing and Consulting for Small Businesses and Startups

    So instead of  waiting for things to go wrong, or accepting substandard performance from our employees, it is vital for employees to receive ongoing performance feedback, or interim coaching. Today’s workforce is invested in their career development, and they expect their organization to be invested as well. High-potentials are the ones to consider for future leadership, because their potential sets them, and your organization, up for success. Employees can experience an increase in morale, productivity and commitment if they are able to communicate up and down the communication chain in an organization.

  • @joeyvpricehr 50K JANUARY 27, 2020
    HR Outsourcing and Consulting for Small Businesses and Startups

    Employee Handbook is also known as an employee manual, staff handbook, or company policy manual. It is a document which defines a company’s key policies and procedures and outlines its company culture. Typically, it has three types of content: A welcome statement, the company’s mission or purpose, company values, and more. A great employee handbook clearly communicates your company’s mission, vision and its values, thus outlining your company’s culture.

  • @joeyvpricehr 50K DECEMBER 20, 2019
    Five Reasons Why Your Team Should Video Conference More Often in 2020 - Jumpstart:HR

    New video conferencing tool 8× makes it easy to connect with employees and customers on the go key features at no additional cost. With 8×8’s new, free video conferencing software, you can meet over video and not worry about time limits, usage, or anything like that. Because let’s face it, as much as people lock into what’s being said at a meeting, they also want to see surroundings. Not only is it the most preferred method of communication behind face-to-face meetings, you can have memorable meetings for free with 8×8’s new software offering.

  • @joeyvpricehr 50K NOVEMBER 21, 2019
    HR Outsourcing and Consulting for Small Businesses and Startups

    However, you can utilize the psychological concept of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to develop an employee engagement strategy that will work for your corporate environment. At this part of the hierarchy, employees are happiest when they feel like they’re part of a team that’s working together toward a common goal. Understanding this hierarchy in the context of the workplace can help your business develop better engagement strategies. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs applies to everyday life, but it is also an excellent model for how your employees engage in the workplace as well.

  • @joeyvpricehr 50K NOVEMBER 06, 2019
    Planning On Hiring New Employees Soon? Don't Make These Common Onboarding Mistakes - #GMIS19 - Jumpstart:HR

    On November 4, 2019, Alberto Ruisanchez, chief, U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division’s Immigrant and Employee Rights Section (IER) gave several helpful tips to stay out of trouble when making your next new hire. In his presentation, entitled “Avoiding Unlawful Immigration-Related Employment Discrimination,” Mr. Ruisanchez mentioned three key areas where employers find themselves in trouble with the law: While each of these areas are critically important to pay attention to, I’ve found that most small businesses make mistakes with onboarding the most. Federal Contractors who participate in contracts that have citizenship-based hiring requirements, workers who are unauthorized to work in America, workers who require employer sponsorship, and, of course, wherever allowable by law. You have to let the employee pick From my experience, small business owners and administrative staff might think they are being helpful by telling new applicants which I-9 documents to bring but that’s actually no-no.

  • @joeyvpricehr 50K OCTOBER 22, 2019
    Remote Work Q&A Podcast With Ultimate Software's Cecile Alper-Leroux [Full Interview] - Jumpstart:HR

    In this HR video podcast, Jumpstart:HR Founder Joey Price is joined by Cecile Alper-Leroux. She is the VP of Human Capital Management (HCM) Innovation at Ultimate Software, a company that provides HCM solutions in order to help organizations improve the employee experience and grow their business. Cecil has over 20 years of experience in both national and global market and she is an internationally sought-out speaker, thought leader, and visionary on HCM trends, hot topics, and global strategies. She joined Ultimate Software in 2010 and she’s been focusing on fostering a culture of innovation at Ultimate ever since.

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