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Professional opera performers who have a high social media presence. Follow them to stay up to date on upcoming shows, music inspiration, and the opera world.

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Audience 44K
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    This Pack includes 3 profiles with YouTube accounts. Audience data for these accounts is private.

  • 566
  • Events and Attractions
  • Food & Drink
  • Barbecues and Grilling
  • Healthy Cooking and Eating
  • World Cuisines
  • Family and Relationships
  • Parenting
  • Shopping

Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Opera (7)
Member Audience Pack Score

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  • Explorer Academy:The Nebula Secret Review- Opera Singer in the Kitchen

    When we all started Book 1 of the Explorer Academy series called The Nebula Secret, my 8-year-old National Geographic Kids inspires young adventurers to explore the world through its award-winning books, magazines, website, television series, apps,at bu games, and more. National Geographic Kids brings its brand of powerful,smart storytelling to the fiction world under its Under the Stars imprint, which launched in 2018 with the first book in the Explorer Academy series, The Nebula Secret. A lot of the story line behind the Explorer Academy series lies with fact-based fiction that is inspired by real-life adventures!

  • Opera Singer in the Kitchen

    This Pizza omelette is a delicious one serving recipe for low carb and low glycemic eating lifestyle. I have found alternatives to enjoy the delicious flavors of pizza while maintaining and focusing on creating a healthy eating lifestyle. While many talk about intuitive eating and not denying ourselves of eating our favorite foods, I’ve learned about the fact that one can have food triggers. My point is, we need to know ourselves and what we run to in stressful situations and that in essence and in the long run,  it will prove to be more harmful than anything else.

  • Fiesta Egg Rolls with Smoked Tomatillo Salsa -Opera Singer in the Kitchen

    My mother’s Asian food might have a certain twist, and her Mexican food would be her own version with her flair. I love traditional international cooking, but sometimes the way my brain works, I go outside the box and fuse different cuisines. I do not usually make a lot of fried foods but I opted to go authentic on the way egg rolls are usually prepared. You can purchase Twin Dragon Wrappers at Walmart, Albertsons, Shaw’s, Von’s, Stater Bros, Fred Meyer, QFC, Safeway, Associated Stores, Giant Stores, Shop N Shop, Winco, and Price Chopper!

  • IV Drip Therapy- NuCell Regenerative Health

    When I was introduced to NuCell Regenerative Health I found out that there was an effective way to deliver nutrients and vitamins to the body through bypassing the digestive system. If you are not sure what vitamins you are deficient in, NuCell does offer bloodwork through Spectracell by focusing on micronutrients otherwise, there are IV treatments to improve health in the following areas: Initially I felt super energetic after infusion on the same day, but perhaps that was just a mental experience, but in fact, I pretty much felt wonderful during the week with no issues. Not only does NuCell Regenerative Health offer IV treatments, but they also offer stem cell therapy, PRP {Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy, and Prolotherapy, which is a non-surgical and natural treatment to heal and regenerate joint and ligament issues.

  • Skin Routine with TruSkin Vitamin C Serum

    Vitamin C Serum uses a stable form of vitamin C that stays potent longer without it needing high levels of preservatives. I added a 2-3 drops and applied to my face. I actually needed an additional 2-3 drops for the rest of my face. Be on the look-out for TruSkin’s new logo stating: “New Year.

  • Nutrition for Longevity Meal Delivery {Review} -Opera Singer in the Kitchen

    We are coming to a new year which means that as you make plans to become healthy or set goals for yourself, look to Nutrition for Longevity as an option to help you reach your goals. They have the same precision nutrition with calorie ranges and macro ranges from The Longevity Diet to support a healthy lifestyle, but all the work is done for you by our Registered Dietitians and in-house Chefs. In comes brands like Nutrition for Longevity which is a company that focuses on meal delivery, giving options to busy individuals who need a break in meal planning or even breaking down the calorie and macro ranges. This meal kit features three partial days of meals per week based on the Longevity Diet, ensuring I get at least 10 servings of fruits and vegetables, 25 grams of fiber, and less than 30% of your calories from fat daily.

  • Family Fun at Dutch Winter Wonderland

    In past years when it was only me and my husband, we would go Black Friday shopping but as we kept adding kids, the experience seemed daunting. We enjoyed an early dinner before we surprised the kiddos on a visit to Dutch Wonderland. There are so many things to offer at Dutch Wonderland liked themed rides, special entertainment, and not to mention, a fully-decorated theme park with sparkly lights. The sky ride was probably the best ride to see the whole park decorated.

  • Low Carb Eggs Benedict / Quick Hollandaise

    My three girls LOVE to be in the kitchen so you can only imagine fighting that takes place when it comes to mixing, adding and making baked goods. If you are living a low-carb lifestyle or you are simply trying to limit the carbs, because veggies and fruits still have their carbs, my zucchini cakes make a great substitute for English muffins. I grated zucchini and added Pete and Gerry’s Organic Egg Whites along with some reduced fat Parmesan cheese. Pete and Gerry’s Organic Eggs are always free from pesticides, added hormones, antibiotics, and GMOs.

  • Coffee Two-Ways with Keurig K-Duo

    My husband’s Keurig®at the office keeps his coffee drinking in order while my Keurig®Rivo works like a gem making espresso, cappuccinos and lattes. K-Duo Essentials™ Coffee Maker can serve two purposes and it includes a K-Cup® and brewing coffee with ground coffee. One of the great features of this coffee maker is the the pause & pour feature allowing the Keurig® K-Duo Essentials™ Coffee Maker to be paused in mid-brew for 20 seconds, The K-Duo Essentials™ Coffee Maker has wonderful options for the every day busy family and can only be purchased at Walmart.

  • Baked Turkey and Cheese Empanadas

    There are so many resources, like Produce for Kids, a cause marketing organization that creates programs that provide fun and easy recipes for busy families. In addition to these resources, Produce for Kids has partnered with 9 produce brands for the back-to-school initiative called Power Your Lunchbox. This year, the program’s health-conscious brand partners have committed to providing 180,000* meals to Feeding America’s programs that impact families and children. These brands are: *$1 helps provide at least 10 meals secured by Feeding America® on behalf of local member food banks Check out the website for ideas and at the same time check out the sweepstakes to win an Echo Show.

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