’ll take an educated guess that this is not her real name), told me that she worked for a company called teads.com, that she represents multinational brands like Accor, Nike, and Pepsi, and that she wanted to pay me $600 per ad to run 2 ads per day on my page.
At this point, we still haven’t quite managed to specify that she’s talking about my Facebook page, but from some quick initial research, teads.com is indeed a legitimate media platform, who work with the world’s best publishers to distribute online ads to 1.5 billion people every month.
$600 per ad is not an unheard of amount of money for running a sponsored ad on your page, so this in itself wasn’t necessarily a red flag, though influencers who I’ve spoken to since have been ‘offered’ as much as $5,000 per ad, in order to get them to take the bait.
Facebook Business Manager allows you to grant different levels of access to your ad account, for instance where an advertiser might want to set up ads on your behalf, or access your analytics to track performance.