Minimal Unisex Fashion


Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Jazzy Roulhac Created by Jazzy Roulhac JULY 17, 2019

I am a Wardrobe Stylist by day and spend my free time busting gender norms in the modeling industry, forcing change in print and in fashion! Bending traditional silhouettes and creating new styles is how we will stop fast fashion and put a focus back on quality.

Audience 33K
  • 32K
  • (Information)

    This Pack includes 1 profiles with YouTube accounts. Audience data for these accounts is private.

  • 500
  • 328
  • No categories for me, yet!

Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Minimal Unisex Fashion (1)
Member Audience Pack Score

Pack Score: Measures a user’s influence and reach in relation to their peers within a pack. Improve your Pack Score by connecting your accounts to Perlu.

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