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www.fatgirlflow.com is all about loving yourself and your life just as you are

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Inclusive Valentine's Day Gift Guide

I know, I know, what a random item to kick off this gift guide, but if you’ve never laid in bed, snuggled with your loved one as a Spring storm starts rolling through and listened to the sounds of a wind chime in the distance . . . And while the old metal wind chimes are fine, natural materials, like the one shown above, create a much more subtle and melodic tune that won’t disturb your, or your loved one’s, sleep. If your partner is the primary chef in the house, do them a favor and invest in a good chef’s knife! Sometimes indulging in some fancy new bathroom soaps really ARE the mundane pleasures that make our SOs feel excited and loved – and isn’t making our partners feel valued and loved really what this holiday is all about?

Fat Sex & Intimacy

We’re going to talk about fat bodies in this article, but let it be known that fat bodies are in no way abnormal or weird. But I can answer 99% of every fat sex question I get with this answer. And when someone tells you something isn’t working for them don’t let your ego get in the way – think of solutions. The amount of cruel jokes about fat people being smelly probably aren’t helping plus size babes have great fat sex.

Plus Size Dresses From CityChic.com

If only all my dresses fit like City Chic’s plus size dresses. In recent months I’ve kind of lost hope in stores in regards to consistent sizing, so trying on these plus size dresses was a bit scary. I paired this black maxi dress with my favorite fringe booties and a classic jean jacket for a nice little Kansas girl look. My family went to paint pottery the other day and I wore this above the knee dress thinking “painting pottery can’t be that labor intensive, a short dress will be fine!


This old school classic plus-size retailer keeps things fresh with current trends in easy-to-wear designs, and their selection of wide calf boots is no different. Prices start at $30 with sizes ranging from 7 to 12 and boots with 21″ calves. My first pair of plus size wide calf boots was from Avenue, and they were generously sized and I still have them! They’ve got wide calf boots up to size 12, with calf sizes up to 21 inches.

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