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First an RD, now an NP helping women be okay with imperfection, eat and move intuitively and find freedom in this messy life. I talk a lot about hormones.

Social Audience 13K
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The Real Life RD

So if you don’t know her, I’d encourage you to get to know her because she’s fantastic. Usually, body image work isn’t what everyone is raising their hand for…but sometimes the hard stuff is the right stuff. While I do have a body image mini online course, we’ll be creating and releasing a more thorough course to help you stop battling your body and instead appreciate your body so you can move on and put your energy towards things that mean more to you in life. Crystal is going to be doing a lot of the content creation because she’s does amazing work with clients around body image (when you’ve trained under Marci Evans, you soak up a lot of good knowledge) and we want to serve you best with this course!

What Your Food Cravings Really Mean

I think this is a great principle to work on if you feel like you experience intense cravings or don’t trust yourself around certain foods. If you tell yourself that you can’t or shouldn’t have a particular food, it can lead to intense feelings of deprivation that build into uncontrollable cravings and, often, binging. It makes sense that eating foods higher in energy can help offset this time when we might not feel good enough to eat what we normally would. Some medical conditions like PCOS or Type 2 diabetes may lead to intense cravings for carbohydrates, that doesn’t mean you can’t eat them!

When Intuitive Eating Isn't Mindful

If you’re in eating disorder recovery or struggling with your relationship with food, I hope this post encourages you to continue on your journey towards an uncomplicated relationship with food. Eating oatmeal has minimal, if any, “risk” which is why it’s recommended by a lot of lactation consultants even though there’s no evidence to support the claim that oatmeal boosts milk supply. I use a non diary milk because the thought of dairy milk unrefrigerated overnight makes me nervous. This week, since it’s cold and rainy in Boston, I made Pinch of Yum’s spicy peanut soup and added 2 cans of chickpeas for a cheap source of protein and used full fat coconut milk instead of light because I’ll take all the fat and energy I can get.

The Connection Between Proper Nutrition and Academic Success

Eating solely cookies though isn’t going to be a nourishing choice that leaves you energized and focused, BUT chocolate chip cookies are mentally satisfying, provide gratification, and therefore are part of healthy eating and a healthy relationship with food. So while my mom cooked nourishing and satisfying meals that included whole grains, proteins, fats and fiber like spaghetti with meat sauce and salad, my lunches from the school cafeteria weren’t quite as great. They arrived on the scene in 2010 and have since changed the game in serving both physically and mentally satisfying meals to students across school and community sites throughout Greater New York and New Jersey. Revolution Foods believes proper nutrition and healthy food can drive positive academic outcomes and help students achieve their true potential and so they’re making it happen by transforming the way students experience school lunch.

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