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Oncology Nurse and Breast Cancer Survivor helping women experiencing cancer

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  • Women's Health
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  • Beauty
  • Shopping
Susan's Special Needs

Innovations in cancer treatment aim to address a set of issues that will typically face healthcare providers and patients, including aggressive treatment accompanied by unwanted side effects, tumor recurrence after treatment, surgery, or both, and aggressive cancers that are resilient to widely utilized treatments. "This is the first time it has been shown that a therapeutic virus is able to pass through the brain-blood barrier," explained the study authors, which "opens up the possibility [that] this type of immunotherapy could be used to treat more people with aggressive brain cancers." Another area for improvement in immunotherapy is "dendritic vaccines," a strategy wherein dendritic cells (which play a key role in the body's immune response) are collected from a person's body, "armed" with tumor-specific antigens — which will teach them to "hunt" and destroy relevant cancer cells — and injected back into the body to boost the immune system. By attaching these artificial receptors to the dendritic cells in the "vaccines," the therapeutic cells are enabled to recognize harmful cancer cells with more accuracy.

Susan's Special Needs

The founder and president of Susan’s Special Needs, Susan Thomas, said the reason for the store closing is because the retail landscape has changed. I think … the treatment of breast cancer is changing, which is a great thing, because women who are newly diagnosed don’t have the need all the time for a wig,” she said. City Commissioner Amanda Wahl said Thomas’ shop has been a “wonderful” business and provided a great service to people in need. I lost a child two years after I was diagnosed with cancer, and working and keeping my focus on someone else’s needs really helped me heal as well.”


"(Many) women with early stage (breast cancer) are not treated with big-time, hardcore chemotherapy anymore," she said. "The need for a wig and anticipated hair loss is less than it used to be


Pleasant Ridge — After beating breast cancer, Susan Thomas realized that as an oncology nurse and a patient, she was in a unique position to help others. So she worked with her husband to make survivors' lives easier by offering products with a personal touch as they dealt with their disease

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