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#300: The Two-Fund Investment Portfolio, with Paul Merriman

Investment expert Paul Merriman joins us to discuss the two-fund portfolio, a mix of one target date fund and one small cap value fund. Target date funds arguably hold too much exposure to large-cap blend stocks, and not enough exposure to small-cap value stocks Layering in just one additional fund, he says, could improve returns without creating an asset allocation or rebalancing nightmare. You’ve taken the set-it-and-forget-it Target Date Retirement Fund approach and want to get more from your money in an easy way Thanks to our sponsors! If you’re looking to reduce plastic waste while shopping for organic products at a good price, go to to get a free Mrs. Meyer’s & Grove set + free shipping and VIP Trial!

#303: A World Without Email, with Cal Newport

How are you supposed to get any work done outside of Slack or email if you’re busy checking in every six minutes? His new book, A World Without Email, explores the pitfalls of the “hyperactive hive mind workflow” and the structures and systems workplaces have adopted to cut down on noise and increase productivity. Cal gives us a brief history lesson on how email came to dominate the workplace, explains the inefficiencies and limitations with email, and tells us which mindset shifts to make in how we manage our time, energy, and attention at work. Stereo Stereo is a new, interactive platform where you can connect with your favorite podcast hosts in real-time.

Why My 77% Savings Rate … Means Nothing

But spending later won’t get you closer to financial freedom. Savings won’t bring you financial freedom. While that’s great for buying big-ticket stuff, it won’t move the needle on creating your life’s freedom. Here’s the breakdown: “Cash” represents money that will morph into refrigerators, washing machines and other junk that doesn’t command a return.

#301: Ask Paula – How Can I Reach FIRE in 11 Years?

Steven just discovered the financial independence (FI) movement in July 2020, and he wants to reach FI in 11 years. A 15-year loan, I’d buy ¾ of a point, and my interest rate would be 2.62 percent I plan to move out within the next five years, at which point I’ll rent out the third unit. pretty sure that he’s healthier than insurance companies think he is, and we don’t want to pay that much since we think there’s a slim chance of having to redeem this policy. We want to buy our first rental property, but we live in Santa Fe, NM and properties that meet the one percent rule are a bit disastrous.

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